Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Red Flag Warning--Who Are They Working For?


You know, if there are GOP congresscritters who are spouting Russian propaganda (and OMG--there sure are!) maybe we should pay attention to what legislative activity they also seem to be doing on behalf of Russia. 

When Marjorie Taylor Greene talks about Ukraine like NATO invaded it and they are Nazi or anti-Christian, she is directly aping Putin, and what she is saying is pure lies-shouldn't we be very interested in where this fool, who has yakked about Jewish space lasers and spread Q nonsense, gets her information? 

Maybe we should be more curious about why Scott Perry believes Ukraine shouldn't be supported because they can't win. I truly want to know where Tommy Taterhead is getting his extreme nonsense POV from. He seems to have Ukrainian public servants confused with Russian oligarchs. 

It doesn't escape my notice that the GOP politicians who seem most likely to spout Russian nonsense are also the ones most likely to support Trump, and to have probably asked for a pardon for 1776 nonsense regarding the 2020 Trump campaign. I just don't feel like that combination is accidental. These airheads, following Trump, tried to undermine FISA. Isn't that a boon to themselves so as not to be caught up if they were directly contacted by hostile foreign actors? (If so, they've got the wrong end of the FISA stick, but the strong showing was....interesting.) If they are truly worried that they will get swept up by NSA and be unmasked someday like Freaky Flynn (who thinks there might be vaccines in the salad dressing) --just who the hell are they contacting?

If I were a patriot who knew who these useful idiots were in contact with, fuck partisanship, I would be naming names. I remember very well the fooforaw regarding the NSA checking in on congresspeople during the Bush years. It felt very shocking then. I hope some of these people have at least FIVE EYES on them, now. 

To whom much power has been given, much is expected. Loyalty to democracy, the Constitution, and not fealty to Russia, should be the least of it. 

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Ashes, Ashes

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