Saturday, March 9, 2024

TWGB: Wondering About His Super Seedy Ass


It says a lot about Trump that when he finally does post a supersedeas bond to forestall collections activity in anticipation of appeal of the defamation civil case, instantly people go to work trying to find out the sketchy part: Who is the surety company? What's the catch? Does he have a cosigner? Isn't someone from that company a crony? Does that company have ties to Russia? Aren't they mentioned in his fraud trial?

So, um, yeah, there's something possibly sketchy in there--it's TrumpWorld. He wanted to waive having to put up a bond for this case altogether on the grounds that he was good for it, and then turned around and had paper filed in his fraud civil case implying no, he is not good for hundreds of millions of dollars. (You know, the one where he was accused of inflating his wealth and claimed he WAS SO worth hundreds of millions, liquid.) 

So to get back to the question--is he getting a little help from his friends? He was gathering with Elon Musk not long ago--who says he isn't "donating" to anybody's campaign, but putting up bond money is a different kind of favor, isn't it? I think Musk would keep his name off Trump's money-begging speed-dial on sound business principles, but the way he runs Twitter is almost like an in-kind donation--you know?

Trump met with Viktor Orban in Mar-A-Lago just now, where he praised the man to high heaven. The same property where he had all his presidential docs stowed in a ballroom, in a bathroom, and moved about, and asked for and not returned, and very probably--still not all returned, based on his shadiness. But does it really feel likely that foreign powers would bolster him up for reasons

I mean, imagine that! What if foreign powers were propping up a terrible businessman with political aspirations for just ages? That would the worst! Why--how would you ever trust his super seedy ass with political power? You certainly wouldn't turn an entire political party over to the whims of himself and his family--right? That would be mind-bogglingly stupid. Any political organization would probably not invest everything they've got in a family under so much investigation. As in, like, the patriarch still possibly being investigated for more light treason in the form of having nuclear docs that could be schlepped to foreign parties or just soulless nepo-baby remoras who would hork up funds from wherever? 

The future of the Republican party belongs to Trump. They always had the ability to see what he was, just not the desire to really look. 

You know I am not wondering about Trump's super seedy ass. I just wonder who among the Republican side will finally grasp what they picked up--a snake! In time to throw him aside. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SO disappointed. When I read the title, I thought the article was going to be a follow-up to Adam Kinzinger's description of trump's peculiar(charitable word) odor. Damn!

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