Sunday, March 17, 2024

TWGB: Aiding and Abetting


Trump really loves his 1/6 convicted felons as if they were his very own co-conspirators, doesn't he? Some observers of today's Trump rally speech got exercised over his use of the term "bloodbath" as in, if he is not elected this year, there will be a bloodbath. Don't be stupid--this was just his usual hyperbole. It's his continued defense and support of his last bloodbath, where something like 140 law enforcement officers were pounded mercilessly by his little fan club, we should be looking at. 

It's a pity-looking at Trump's rallies these days is a little like returning to the scene of a crime where Father Time is stealing what insurers cannot replace and bankers cannot lend, and which, like any Trump property, might have been severely over-valued anyway--his fragile little mind. He thinks renaming Fort Bragg is somehow a repudiation of US successes, not a repudiation of Confederate failures. 

He keeps going to the Confederate well in hopes of finding Confederates, He talks about Civil War rather a lot 

That's an old whinge in a stinking leather sack. We still won our wars whether we change the name of a base in the US or not. What is his Swiss-cheese brain even on about? He has become anti-vax with reference to schools having vaccine requirements. He says Joe Biden beat Barrack Obama.  

He has lost his grasp of near-history, This isn't sarcasm or an ironic rewriting of events--I think he actually seems to be confused here. He covers it up during his more lucid moments. And I don't think it's wholly organic dementia--I think he guilt of what he accuses Biden of--dosing himself to the gills to stay relatively coherent. Because his legal troubles and all that have left him a different man. 

One willing to say literally anything to stay politically alive. He is the unravelling bolero jacket--he hopes anyone else can give him coattails, an updraft, a cash draft, a straw to cling to. But the GOP is still fighting 2016. As if they had the 2016 Trump and as if Joe Biden had the negatives of that worthy 2016 candidate, and all of us voters didn't know that Republican shell game by now. 

I don't think Trump incited anyone to violence (sorry) by talking about a bloodbath today. I think he showed he reached for absurdities (it was Joe Biden in the Obama years who talked about how the auto industry was alive) because he doesn't really have a policy plan. He talks about 100% tariffs on Chinese goods-why? 

All Trump does by running today is about justifying what happened 1/6, a day that stays with me like 9/11, despite fewer casualties, as a day of war--and an assault on our homebase, the center of our democracy. To the extent he still aids and abets that effort, I consider him still and always a traitor.  And I don't care about the state of his brain--it looks bad and is bad. But even if he was just straight up fluffing out quantum physics revelations on the regular--something there is badly broken. And he needs to be checked and stopped. 

1 comment:

Grung_e_Gene said...

Fortunately when Trump calls for violence after losing this time he won’t be in charge of the Executive branch and able to stop law enforcement response. Plus I don’t think he’ll be able to convince his cultists to attack so easily since the little fish are the ones getting prosecuted. But if they do I think this time “a whiff of grapeshot” as Napoleon said should suffice to halt the fascist MAGA cowards

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