Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Celebrity Apprentice, But For VP


First it was an ad for cosmetic dentistry, and now she's touting custom insoles--just what, you may ask, is up with South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem? 

My personal best guess is, she's angling to raise her profile for VP by doing Celebrity Apprentice challenges because she can't count on Corey Lewandowski to put in a good word for her.  I mean, what is one supposed to do--stay in South Dakota? It's the Indiana of just a scootch over to the west. And as with Mike Pence, there's only so much right wing signifying you can do as a governor before you sort of wonder how it will pay off. Or not pay off, as the case may be. 

Does it feel like she's using her office a little bit for commercial purposes in a conflict of interest? Like, is she expecting something in return (or has she received something in return we don't know about)? Who knows? Maybe she only went into politics because she wanted to be a spokesmodel someday, and never got that Star Search contract. But as I've said before, the GOP secret to conflicts of interest is, if you always work in your own self- interest, there's never a conflict! 

1 comment:

Steve in Manhattan said...

Just gonna leave this here:

Lab-Created Bullshit

Some western observers don't quite understand why General Igor Kirillov was a legitimate military target (see: what is a "general...