Friday, February 16, 2024

TWGB: Running Interference


It's a funny old thing that Trump wants to scream "ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!" with respects to his two lawsuits today. They are both actually election interference lawsuits, in that Trump took extralegal efforts to interfere with what happened in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. 

In the so-called "hush money" case that Trump lost his motion to dismiss today, the case really has to do with using his business funds fraudulently to cover up information that would tend to prejudice voters against him: that he had intimate relations with an actor in the porn industry while his third wife had just given birth. This kind of secrecy and coverup is a part of Trump operations in general: he has long been an avid user of employee NDA's (which were, as constructed, not a valid truth-quashing mechanism for political campaigns or White House administrations) , and used his friendship with National Enquirer exec David Pecker to "catch and kill" negative stories

Trump is really great at using funds. sometimes fraudulently, to cover up things. Some say he used Trump Foundation money to pay to Florida prosecutor Pam Bondi's political campaign org to stop an investigation into Trump University, (I dunno if it happened that way, but the results are the results.) Trump sued Tim O'Brien for pointing out Trump's numbers never did add up because he hated to be called out on what we could have should have known about his businesses. Was it worth it to give some of us a glimpse into what we learned later when his 2005 taxes were exposed--he's been drawing down his liability from a mega loss in 1995? (He still was benefiting from losses when his last six years got opened up later on.) He mightily fought to keep that tax data unknown. Because he was doing crimes. 

The Trump Org was doing crimes when Cyrus Vance Jr. stifled the case against the Trump family like a decade ago. The Trump Foundation was guilty of "a shocking pattern of illegality" which, incidentally, coordinated with the 2016 Trump campaign. And we can't say for 100% sure, but it does look a lot like maybe Jerry Falwell Jr. was extorted just a little to give the 2016 Trump campaign his blessing. And the Trump Org got hit with 17 counts of criminality, ultimately, because of course. 

And who was the boss?

And that is just me, talking about how Trump covers up his shit with money like a cat covering up turds in a litterbox, with things only getting exposed after much litigation and dragging, without getting deep into how the media covering his 2016 campaign never talked about his mafia ties, his money laundering globally, or all the rape/harassment/pedophilia charges

We still could though. Third presidential campaign is the charm, right?

(Don't get me started on reiterations of Mueller and other obstruction cases that demonstrate Trump Omerta.) 

Anyway, in the annals of election fuckery, the case Fani Willis is prosecuting is the most OBVS, He literally had a recorded phone call where he asked for the exact number of votes he needed to be found/thrown out to get himself a win. So, his little run'n'tell binch Mike Roman is helping put on a show to put Fani Willis' personal relationship in the spotlight when she is not on trial--Trump and his little friends are. She came out strong and human and relatable in this trial--I think she will prevail in more ways than one. 

This is just more distraction and delay from a group of people who know the truth coming out is not good for a Trump 2024 campaign or the potential pardons of their associates. If Trump's cases were capable of enjoying daylight, would he be so mad to see them carried out? Wouldn't he DEMAND them being carried out expeditiously to clear his good name--and have done so earlier and not having paid (with GOP donations) lawyers to do the very opposite thing? 

He wants more interference. And yet, it leads to the kind of questioning that discovers, for example, that his 2000 Mules are more like 2000 Made-up Things and a Horse's ass Writing about Them, which is very inimical to his goals. Trump is, in my generation's parlance, a Monet, He looks good from afar but up close, he's a whole mess. 

But as was pointed out in all this: he didn't have to run again in the midst of his various trials. He chose to--denying the GOP a front-runner with less baggage. He stuck them with re-litigating the 2020 election they already lawfully lost, while he hasn't been any better (no--given the stolen docs case--he's been much worse!) The GOP is stuck with him. They have stuck themselves. 

Trump's cover-ups and denials are somehow dumber and worse than his original sins. A dive into Barr and Durham's efforts on his behalf, let alone Weiss, make his support look even more sus. 

And let's get down to his proposed capture of the RNC. Every penny to support Trump? Sh..... God, I have seen what you have done for others, now let's do that shit to the whole Republican party. 

I never saw anything that would so clearly get my agnostic ass religion, but that would be funny and inspiring as hell. Really. Please, Lord of Hosts, have Lara Trump boll weevil her narrow ass through RNC finances to make her father-in-law happy and also all of us Democrats. We live in hope of Your Will on Earth as it is in Heaven. 


Anyway, Trump's bid to SCOTUS about them hearing his immunity case is a) Jack Smith is partisan and b) election interference! UNFAIR! I'm intellectually hating on it. Will SCOTUS reject it, though? 

And are there civil charges in NY on the morning? Ding dong the death knell for Trump Org is gonna chime? 

We will see. And I will have to post about it. Because TrumpWorld is my beat. And I am TrumpWorld's faithful commentator. 

I just hope for not so much longer. 

1 comment:

Dan Kleiner said...

no. he doesn't look good from afar. not remotely, unless you think bloated, orange men with tribbles on their heads look good at any distance.

but yeah. thanks. it's about time someone started calling the spade a spade. dingus con tried to interfere with every election he's been a part of. pornstar hush-money is 2016 election interference, clearly the russians weren't enough.

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