Saturday, February 10, 2024

Did Russia Pay a "Meaningful Fee?"


Well, I'm just throwing this bit from twitter here without knowing anything more about it--would I believe Tucker Carlson accepted a fee for a friendly interview? Let me think about that; it would be very unethical, so I'm going to go ahead and say yes, I do believe Tucker Carlson would do that. I also think he would do it for free, but getting paid if you can is so much nicer, isn't it? 

It also appears that Putin wanted to just give one of his history lectures, about which he is weird and wrong. The idea that Poland was basically asking to be invaded by Germany (and I guess USSR was just standing innocently by like choirboys) is the kind of peculiar revisionism that goes so well with authoritarian states.  There's an analogy there for Ukraine, I guess (about which Putin has his own badly contorted self-justifications) but I just think, if I were Poland, I would like Putin not to be mentioning Poland so much.

I'm not sure who exactly is fooled enough to think Putin is stopping at part of Ukraine. I mean, people might vocally express their "doubts"--I just find it hard to think they are "fooled." 

Anyway, if Putin is unsatisfied with Carlson's product, it might be because he couldn't stop being a dictator long enough to let the man work. It's also unclear if Putin was doing the interview to impress a US audience or his home audience--and it seems like the latter. more than the former, because Tucker Carlson's audience is getting to be...niche. 

It did impress at least one US home fry: Tommy Taterhead, who posted:

For one thing, Tuberville (like colleague Rand Paul) was likely to reject aid to Ukraine anyway regardless of the interview. The kind of "peace agreement" that Putin would like is the sort you might get from, say, Donald Trump, who negotiated a surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban or, you know, pulled mostly out of Syria after a chat with Erdogan. Aiding the defense of a democratic ally (and holding back Putin from setting his sights elsewhere isn't warmongering--what Tuberville wants is cowardly appeasement. 

Sometimes I truly wonder if any other US citizens are receiving a meaningful fee from Putin. I truly do. 


Ten Bears said...

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said it best: Tucker Carlson’s Vladimir Putin Interview Was “A Display Of Bum-Sucking Servility To A Tyrant”

Bum of course is British for ass ...

Vixen Strangely said...

Tucker Carlson, like many whey-faced trustfunditarians, thinks being an angry white boy all grown up by itself means he can hold his own in a difficult spot--he can't. He thought he'd be able to magic Putin into something palatable for the US audience--I recall his dad was part of VOA and cringe. Tucker has a worldview that starts in the late 1950s when McCarthyism and segregation became a rearguard and is mad as hell FDR and the free world won WW2.

To be a whole bastard about him--he's an Oedipal Wreck. A dyed in the wool mother fucker. He is the whitest of the stupid white people. And the stupidest of the whitest white people. And he hangs himself between podcasting the decline of white western civilization and being a Russian imperialist catamite.

I wish him the worst and most unlubed future.

It isn't a great look.

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