Thursday, January 11, 2024

Stopping Pirates and Terrorists is Actually Good


There's something very opaque to me about the politics of places like Yemen, where there has been a proxy conflict between Saudi Arabia and the Iranian-backed group Ansar Allah (Houthis), and I'm by no means an expert, but when a group has been attacking international trade at sea--private ships flying under the flags of multiple nations! and also taking shots at US military targets, it makes sense for the US to respond so they knock that shit off. We aren't really being given a choice

Doing nothing means they keep doing that. To use a homey little analogy, if I was a business owner and my store was getting robbed and my employees were physically threatened, yes, I would want protection, and violence against the perpetrators would be a part of that defense. 

This isn't just about what's going on in Israel--although Ansar Allah is similar and has the same kind of ethos it seems as Hezbollah.  First--they have been a problem. They are not "freedom fighters" and there's a difference between being in control of Yemen and being a government. The Houthis own a share of the blame for rampant famine in that country. 

These attacks aren't protests against Gazan genocide or whatever--they are piracy and acts of terrorism that have been engaged in previously, only escalated. The United States isn't being pulled deeper into a regional war by responding--the Houthis are the ones starting the attacks and fuck it, we've been in a regional war in the Middle East since the 1980's. Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Houthis. As long at the US has an interest in this part of the world, we are involved in what happens there. And commerce is global and people depend financially on that trade, and it should be free of violence. 

Isolationism is not an option. Pacifism is not realistic. The president is invested with the capacity for short-term action for national defense so long as he notifies Congress and if our various hand-wringing Congress folks didn't see this coming, I just don't know what to tell them. It's not the same thing as entering a war. It isn't WWIII. 

It's responding to an immediate pattern of attacks that would worsen if not responded to. 

If you don't think stopping pirates and terrorists is part of what our military is for, what do you think it's for? It's the defense of US interests. And I'm seeing people being VERY ONLINE ABOUT IT who should know better. 

(And there are most certainly people who would criticize Biden for responding who would also claim he's weak as wet cardboard if he did not.)

UPDATE: War Powers Act of 1973

War Power Resolution - Declares that it is the purpose of this Act to fulfill the intent of the framers of the Constitution of the United States and insure that the collective judgment of both the Congress and the President will apply to the introduction of the Armed Forces of the United States in hostilities, or in situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and to the continued use of such forces in hostilities.

Requires that the President shall in every possible instance consult with Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into hostilities or into situations where imminent involvement is clearly indicated by the circumstances.

Provides that in the absence of a declaration of war by the Congress, in any case in which the Armed Forces of the United States are introduced in hostilities, or in situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, such use of the Armed Forces of the United States in hostilities pursuant to this Act shall be reported within 48 hours in writing by the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate, together with a full account of the circumstances under which such hostilities were initiated, the estimated scope and duration of such hostilities, and the constitutional and legislative authority under which the introduction of hostilities took place.

Provides that nothing in this Act is intended to alter the provisions of existing treaties.

Sets forth the criteria for Congressional consideration of joint resolutions and concurrent resolutions introduced pursuant to this Act.

Provides that this Act shall take effect on the date of its enactment.

 UPDATE: I was going to do a post about Trump talking at his civil trial thingie when he was supposed to be concerned with his wife and the death of her mama, and then I realized that I don't care what Trump wants to say, or has to say, about anything, for show or for campaigning or whatever, because he's a goddamn freak. He wasn't talking for the benefit of the judge, but for the benefit of the people who phoned in a bomb threat on the judge. 

He's a terrorist, himself. Our former president is a fucking terrorist. He should live by a dumpster. He should eat things other people threw out from being spoiled. I am appalled such a monster is allowed to run for president again. He should be tossed off every state ballot. The Republican party is in hostilities with right-thinking law-abiding people. So, take this UPDATE as being everything I have to say about whatever took place in TrumpWorld today. There is a world after Trump that is better without Trump. Fuck him, real shit is happening in the world and he's not to be trusted.

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