Thursday, November 9, 2023

The GOP are Not Serious People


You know, I only like one thing about Nikki Haley, and it is her palpable dislike of Vivek Ramaswamy because: Girl, same.  He's a smug know-nothing jerkface who says outrageous things trying to provoke a moment when he is way out of his depth but finds himself in an environment where people hear sizzle and think "steak"--not "flash in the pan."

She just isn't much better, she's only been at it longer, and that is the feeling I get about the 2024 GOP field. And Trump has been at making up shit and getting applauded for it longest and is best at it, and wasn't even arsed to be there so, DERP! He won. By sheer default. As in, he didn't show up, but, um, neither did anyone else there. Chris Christie attacked him--but from a little place called "too little too late." And while Nikki Haley said Trump wasn't right for this time, she never really articulated why or let us know if there was some PRESSING REASON for his not being right. And we all probably know she'd vote for him--right? 

As for Trump, the twice impeached and four-times indicted one-term wonder, he said his friend Lil' Kim the Rocketman, who sent him "love letters" was responsible for over a billion people. 

He's maybe thinking of President Xi of China? But who knows, when this is a guy who thinks Hannibal Lecter loves him?  (Hannibal Lecter, can you believe? We're hearing more and more good things. A man of excellent taste.)

But if I find one good thing about Nikki Haley, and while she fronts a good game, she's not any better. She would still like to make abortion illegal. She's still the kind of useless dipshit who thinks a war with Mexico over fentanyl is something we could or should do. A war, on our border, with the cartels, when most of the fentanyl is brought in by US citizens, implying that a big part of our problem with drugs is on the demand side, and the US citizens who make bank on the supply end? Huh! Feels like we should address our solution closer to home, then!

Also, let's be real: we've been arming the cartels for the longest. I truly believe that's why the GOP dropped the Fast and Furious or whatever it was called thing against the Obama administration: you start to look at how guns get shipped from the US to Mexico or to criminals in general, and our lax gun laws courtesy of the NRA and the GOP stop looking so cute. 

I mean that and they had nothing.  The GOP hasn't been serious for years. Sarah Palin! Death Panels! Benghazi! But her emails! 

Was Wile E Trumpeyote, Stable Genius' border wall a serious thing? Who knows? Shit bubbles up from the Right Wing swamps, and now the little get along to go aheads run with whatever because they haven't a clue and haven't a conscience. They are little boats in the mighty Trump wake, and getting splashed about because his lies are bigger, and more desperate. Who else has to pretend the entire judicial system and the DOJ are against him? Who else has to manufacture reverse-racism to explain why prosecutors or judges who happen to be POC might be in opposition to him?  Who has to work so hard to, Rumpelstiltskin-like, spin his losses into wins?  

Who answers to conservative grievance and victimhood with more open melodrama? My good bitches, for his 2024 performance so far, this man has earned an Emmy for a soap opera and has been denied like Susan Lucci was never!

None of these efforts are serious. None of these people should be in higher office. They are just performing, signifying clowns. 


Ten Bears said...

I didn't have to watch to know they were a bunch of snot-nosed middle school-yard bitches and bullies, punks and punkettes, behaving like a bunch of snot-nosed middle school-yard bitches and bullies, punks and punkettes. Good thing I can pass for a Mexican cuz I'm embarrassed to be (mostly) white ...

Richard said...

In a worst case scenario, I would choose Nikki over Vivek. Fortunately we are not going to have to do that.

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