Thursday, November 23, 2023

So Much for the Bentley Bomber


At the top of the above picture, just past the border checkpoint, you can see a car frozen in air after its driver had made some very poor speed-related decisions. This unfortunate launch of a generally land-based vehicle resulted in an explosion that Fox News, among others, wanted to term a terrorist attack. 

It wasn't, but a lot of right-wing fear-mongers jumped on the news:

Ted Cruz reposting noted journalist Benny Johnson to say his "worst fears" were confirmed is amusing to me in a way I don't think Sen. Cruz would understand. 

Sometimes I think to myself that conservative "news" outlets and the politicians they have a symbiotic relationship with are just cynical liars, but I also think they do believe their own bullshit. People who say things like "open borders" in all serious are like people who say "post-birth abortion"--what they fuck are they on about? It's delusional. They assumed that OF COURSE an explosion on a bridge was terrorism. Because OPEN BORDERS: is why! I think there's some people this morning who are mad their talking point got, um, exploded.

But man, I am still trying to wrap my head around who is doing terrorism in a Bentley. That is a distant Saudi prince with Jason Chaffetz's turkey in his lap kind of high-priced terrorism....


Ten Bears said...

I thought Bentleys were bomb-proof ...

Dan Kleiner said...

i mean, the "open borders" trope is ridiculous on its face; who do they think are intercepting the asylum-seekers and drug-smugglers for them to get their statistics? do they figure we don't have a navy or army or air force?

...and for them to go on and on about an "invasion" in the south (sans tanks, IFV's and SPG's) when putin is trying to claim all of ukraine as a prelude to re-conquer of eastern europe is just fucking pathetic.

Vixen Strangely said...

The Republican "genius" if I can call it that, for scandal is to just keep pointing a finger at something and the "faithful" will believe that where there is a pointing finger, there is a scandal, just the same as where there is smoke, there is fire. It worked with Whitewater. It worked with "switftboating". It worked with "Benghazi". It worked with "But her Emails." They think it will work with Hunter Biden's laptop. Just point a finger, and the wee doggies will look. They might only be following the tip of their masters' finger, and never at the matter at hand, but they are looking at what they think is something, right?

And the media, bless them, can't ask "So, who did the apprehending at the border" or "Who seized the drugs?" or "Who arrested the suspected terrorists?" and point out that the talking point is bullshit. They live on narratives as well, and I guess there is a professional understanding not to spoil one anothers' food? So, they "can't" ask "How do people go about getting a post-birth abortion?" or even "Why would someone decide after getting a whole maternity wardrobe that one never even wanted or liked kids?"

Except they could just do that: ask why Republicans are always lying all the time. It's a good narrative, one I prefer myself. And a far more productive one, once you start unravelling the gauze keeping the mummy that is the Republican party together.

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