Saturday, November 4, 2023

She Sounds Like I Thought She Might


It's the Michelle Dugger sort of little girl voice that first catches my ear. Out where I work in the world, I had to develop my "Big Girl Voice" to make people hear me. I don't keep sweet. Her voice is like pancake syrup. She says she stopped teaching (a worthwhile profession) to start minding other people's sexual business because she felt "burdened for them". 

Wasn't her load to carry. Not her cross. Not her battlefield. Not her mission. Not her business. And why in the world did why think she had a calling to practice authority over people's misery that was solely caused by not being accepted, but reinforceing their feelings of the conditionality of their worth? 

And as for her husband's "win" by being a guy no one knew was kind of a bizarrely radical character? Yeaaaahhh, God didn't do that. Unless Matt Gaetz and an exhausted GOP House is God now. (Not that I want to give them ideas.) It isn't Biblical that her husband became Speaker, unless she means God ran out of locusts and frogs.  

I don't know what to make of the Johnson financials or the news that the missing son was kind of prodigal. I am fascinated that he knew Amy Coney Barret when they both were young (I swear--literally the Forrest Gump of theocracy, is Johnson).  

(Yes there he is in Harlan Crowe's library. That's where he keeps some of the good collectibles.)

I do know the idea Johnson had of tying aid to Israel by cutting IRS is dumb as hell because IRS is a (DDDDDUUUUUHHHHH) revenue producer so cutting there is just signifying. So is the idea of "CR laddering" which is just like making some kind of mini-shutdowns happen, keeping the government in constant crisis. Which might just be the kind of performative fail he's even there for. 

It really feels to me like Johnson has an issue with government even being functional and is against it. He could probably find a more lucrative profession than government with his skillset, though, you think?  But who am I to judge where and by what he stores his riches? 

I dunno. The vibe is off for me on this guy, is all. 


Richard said...

I feel sick. These people are bad news. They are monsters. I will never be like them. That is how I feel. They are liars.

Richard said...

I thought these magats had already shown us the worst that they could be. I thought they had used up all the depravity and ignorance that they cherish. I was wrong. Here they are again. And yes, she does sound like I thought she might. No wonder the people who live in that world are so messed up and confused! If I was young, I would leave. If I was old, I would do the best I can to maintain my culture and language. It sure as hell is not these two.

Vixen Strangely said...

The enforced conformity literally either kills people outright or leaves them with empty places inside. A pastor in Alabama who was also the mayor of his small town and who seemed like a nice person was exposed as at least a transvestite or maybe was actually a trans. There's worse things a person could be than a woman--I;m one, and mostly blameless. I think of all the shit pastors get up to all the time. Anyway, the pastor killed themself with a gun because just exploring what it was like to be a girl was so heinous--in a world where priests touch little girls and mess them up, and all this one was doing was trying out what it was like to be pretty.

People who want to pray the creativity and experimentation out of others, to snuff out what makes them different, to make them feel bad in their own skin, to tell them they are dirty and can't ever be pretty, or can't love and be loved the way they want to or were made to be, aren't "unburdening" anyone--they are the burden.

Before trying to do anything about the mote in their eyes, they have whole beams of their own to think about. And before they tried to tell others what to be or how to be, I really wish they'd try walking in someone else's shoes. And ask themselves just who gets hurt.

The Kennedy Hearing was Ugly

  When your own family thinks you are a weird conspiracy freak who is uniquely unqualified and literally call you a grifting predator, well,...