Monday, July 31, 2023

The World According to Trump


Trump says he thinks it would be a lovely idea if Congress were to withhold any future aid to Ukraine in exchange for dirt on the Bidens. Wonder where the hell he got that idea from? If that sounds an awful like the grounds for his first impeachment--why yes! It does sound like he wants the machinery of the US government to be used to his benefit in 2024, just like he wanted it used to his benefit in 2020. (And also, Russia? If you're listening?)

Now, of course, he's not completely stupid. My no! He knows he can't be impeached for this quid pro quo when he isn't even in office anymore. Yet. Who else has had two whole impeachments? He's like, the expert on it.

Although some of his other pronouncements, like claiming that his second impeachment inoculates him from federal charges for 1/6 under double jeopardy, are a bit specious.

(That's not a new whine from this old sack, either. Also, failing to be removed from office in his case is a failure of his GOP friends--a jury might feel quite differently).

Anyway, and regardless, he's not getting indicted because of himself. He's getting indicted FOR HIS LOYAL SUBJECTS  THE HARDWORKING PATRIOTIC PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY.

That's why his donors are expected to pay his legal fees. And he's absolutely going to kick on some money for his 2024 campaign. Eventually. This is why the GOP loves and supports him so.  He is not either a rotting albatross around their necks. 

1 comment:

bluzdude said...

It's funny how he calls a bunch of partisan hacks ignoring evidence because they're afraid of his retribution, "exoneration."

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