Thursday, July 20, 2023

Marjorie Taylor Greene the Purposeful Pornographer


It amuses me that some Republicans pretend that Trump indictments are somehow detracting from Biden scandals, when it really looks to me like Biden pretend scandals only exist to detract from the fact that the GOP has placed their ONLY HOPE in Dopey One Kenobi, the twice-impeached one-term wonder who is facing all kinds of legal jeopardy in his post-presidency. They have absolutely no faith that anyone else on their bench could get on the field and play. They pretend that striking Trump down with indictments is only going to make him stronger, but, um. 

That totally feels like a Jedi mindtrick, and that does not work on anyone but the weak-minded. That's why I'm pretty sure that rhetoric is meant for, you know. Republicans. 

So, I get that the whistleblower stuff was mostly just a platform for MTG's stunt--wasn't it? Because it's what we're going to remember. right? Sure, Rep. Jamie Raskin debunked the bullshit that got put out today, but the star of today's clownshow was Marjorie Taylor Greene, inexplicably allowed to be on committees, who brandished a printout of a Hunter Biden selfie from his laptop to pretend that Hunter Biden was doing on purpose porn. 

You know who demonstrated intent to distribute said porn? Not Hunter Biden--Marjorie Taylor Greene. She just waved that stuff about in a committee hearing like Whoa! And frankly, there's no indication he (Hunter Biden) intended to distribute anything on the laptop or licensed the use of his image in any way. And that laptop was illicitly obtained as far as I know.

Look, MTG is all about the prurience. She made a big deal out of "Fang Fang"  not long ago, like all gutter GOP do, and frankly, the allegations made her smile, and I understand why. She needs to feel sanctimonious about something. And my god--Democrats fuck! And coming from a Crossfit gym trampoline, we will accept that criticism from her for exactly what it's worth!

And I know--you want to nail her for revenge-porn because DC is totally legally against--and yet apparently, what even horrific people say on the floor of the House is protected, unless the Speaker of the House wanted to censor her, and he would not, because she only brandished Hunter's dick because Kevin's balls only get her so far, but she certainly is the possessor of them. 

Anyway, today the House hearing was trash and MTG is trash and never elect Republicans to anything because they bring dumpsterfire wherever they go. This entire spectacle was lower than kraken shit. 

1 comment:

Dan Kleiner said...

"dopey one kenobi".

(snort) titter. (guffaw)

"..i die, horatio!"

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