Thursday, July 13, 2023

Cornel West is "At Least" Not Pro-Putin, Everybody


Does Cornel West not know what is happening in the Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine? Probably not. He's too busy being for something supposedly to the left of whatever Democrats (Joe Biden, who's done a fuckton for the unions, employment, and supports diversity and human rights), are for reasons I think are known only to himself.  But the Russians are performing appalling war crimes on Ukrainian people in the areas they occupy. Why in the hell would territorial concessions be okay? There are PEOPLE on this land. They will not be people for long if Russia is allowed to take this land. That is the reality.

The stupid (yes, stupid) construct that this is a proxy war only makes sense in the disturbed mind of someone who thinks the US has some motivation to arm Ukraine greater than Ukraine's own will to defend themselves from the horror of what Russia is doing to them--and this is manifestly not so. You do not have 4 out of five people know intimately someone who has been  murdered from this war and not want to defend your life and the life of your people. To baldly assume this is a US op is disgraceful and denies what is actually happening to the Ukraine people. It's like some form of demented conspiracy theory where Ukrainian people aren't even real, but like NPC's

The abhorrence of this, to deny Ukrainian people their resistance to evil and oppression, is the pinnacle of head-up-assness. 

But is it not a familiar head-up-assness? Cornel West isn't a stupid man and he isn't a man who hasn't put in work, but he has made a bold choice to be disappointing. His answer to Bill Maher back in 2016 about his idea that supporting Jill Stein would go anywhere with "We shall see" has been reverberating in my head for more than a minute.  (She's on his team right now, and you all know what that implies in my world.) 

Anyway, I used to feel like he had a point and now I feel like he has a grudge, and his grudge doesn't have any point in my world. Not when he is supporting Russian genocide of Ukrainian people with a bullshit peace plan that absolves the West of having to face the horrors of the real world because some pacifists might get agitated that "OUR" blood, sweat and tears might have to defend freedom. (Fuck that shit. Which side are you on if you are not against tyranny and fascism?) Or any world currently existing. He can go fuck himself. And make Jill Stein watch. And what did she ever do with that recount money? Because curious minds would love to know. 

Saying you aren't pro-Putin while handing him anything and accepting the deaths and oppression of real human beings is not acceptable. He is not a better choice because he's a morally degraded choice. And I can't even call someone supporting that indefensible bullshit "Brother". 

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