Sunday, May 21, 2023

TWGB: Rumbles in TrumpWorld


So, what if it seems like Trump's lawyers are "dropping like flies?"  What does it mean if Trump's kids are getting stripped from a lawsuit so that the law can focus on the former president himself? What are we looking at when Allen Weisselberg, recently released from his sentence, is faced with going back in on a perjury charge for protecting you know who

I know what Trump himself would call it--"Rigged!"  But maybe the problem is with the client himself. He's just, how do I delicately put this? Probably guilty of so, so much? 

See, let's talk about the exit of Tim Parletore. He says it's because one of Trump's other lawyers, Boris Epshteyn, was interfering with searches for government documents--I guess like he thought there was  good reason for some docs to remain unfound, which would be some very serious obstruction, right?  I mean, he would know what stuff he wanted to remain buried as a longtime Trump associate? (I don't trust this MF as far as I could throw him). 

But what am I going to do, pretend Parlatore isn't also a big lying Trump apologist kook here? He's the guy who pretended Trump using a former classified docs folder as a coverup for the little light on his bedside phone was a reasonable thing. That's nuts. You could use duct tape, a Post-It note, a sock. Why a classified docs folder?  

This is the kind of crazy out where the buses don't run kind of logic you employ when you know your client doesn't have any excuse. This is why the lawyers are rumbling--

They are running out of tables to pound. Eventually, someone is going to look at the bare facts of, say, what Trump even did in office, and maybe connect the dots to what docs were taken and understand why.

There's a lot of TrumpWorld "Why?" which I think I want to direct people to Glenn Kessler's excellent column for. This is what Trumpstans want to ignore. They want to pretend it's possible Putin backed the hawkish woman that he was afraid of, to scapegoat the man who, because the Steele Dossier and the FBI Hurricane Crossfire investigation were unknown until he took office, actually won in 2016 to the pollsters' shock.  This is how chronological time works--no one knew about Russia specifically until after the election--except because of Trump's own very stupid "Russia if you are listening" idiocy. His idiot ass did a lot to call attention to himself, and he stayed disturbingly loyal all through his presidency to the guy he said never helped him. He acted, though, like Putin's little boy. His presidency told the tale on him.  We here have been looking strongly into all of it. 

Meh. Putin supported Trump in 2016 and still does--he sanctions Trump's enemies very specifically. As if Putin needed to influence Trumpstans that he is also too, their friend. 

So let me ask this very pointed question--why do Trumpstans love Trump knowing he's Putin's puppet because that much is obvious and they try to pretend he's not? Also, why don't they draw the obvious inferences that Putin would never want an actually strong and aware, competent person as president in the US, so he wanted Trump--it's clear Trump was a sick, stupid choice, OK? He's just a morally bankrupt piggy with his hands out to a foreign plutocrat.

If after the insurrection attempt on 1/6 and the hoarding and fake declassificiation of so many docs, this man still wants to pretend he can be a valid president--I would say no, not ever, not over my dead body. He never was about America First, except as the fascist ideation of the MSG rally and the attempted Corporate plot

He represents the worst of us. Hands down. And even his lawyers will have to give up on him or go down with him as fellow criminals. 


Jimmy T said...

TFG has zero respect for his followers. They only exist to cheer him on when he touches upon their hatred of people they despise, which are pretty much everyone having an education or beliefs they disagree with. I expect nothing to improve if TFG gets elected once again. If he does, we only have ourselves to blame. His first term was ominous, a second term would be the end of America...

Vixen Strangely said...

He would literally sell his followers for organs. There is not one thing that he would improve upon over his former term by gaining a second. He told us, laughably, he would only put the best people in his cabinet, and then how many resigned in disgrace, were indicted, were convicted, needed to be pardoned, ended up being reviled by Trump, etc.? In what world is a future Trump cabinet not incompetent lickspittles? He means to purge career government workers--which is to say, get rid of the exact people who know best how to do their jobs? Force employees to make a choice between doing their job well and engaging in political bias? And his alleged vengeance over supposed harms done to him would be a bloodbath. He's petty and he whoops his people up to Day of the Rope style rages. He doesn't have two minute hates, but hours long. And the effect will be percussive.

No, I most definitely don't like the idea of the Shape of Trump to Come. (And merciful Athena, but what I just stated probably sounds like sweet music to his kind of followers.)

Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

What means "TWGB", if it can be told?

Vixen Strangely said...

Trump World Grab Bag.

Damian T. Lloyd, Esq. said...

Aha! Thanks. Ms. Google's search engine was no help. New reader here; no doubt regulars are familiar with the term.

Vixen Strangely said...

Of course--this blog has a whole history of TWGB:,

Following the Trump/ Putin connection and other potential scandals of Trump World has been my Moby Dick. Sort of.

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