Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Things You See on Twitter About Foreign Policy


I just screen capped a thing you can click to embiggen, which is pretty much the state of the stupid horseshoe fringe--Ann Coulter re-tweeting Max Blumenthal fluffing RFK Jr. because he's excoriating US policy supporting Ukraine's self-defense against the Russian invasion, because of course Kennedy is wrong because he's full of himself and of course Blumenthal is a useful idiot who spouts Russian propaganda anymore and Ann Coulter is, and always has been, an utter bitch. 

I used to wonder what happened to Max Blumenthal. Did he experience a conversion experience because he wanted in Rania Khalek's pants or WTF? I used to speculate. How do you hate Israel apartheid and also think maybe Bashar Al-Assad is misunderstood? He was a good journalist for a whole minute. But look at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He used to be a credible-ish environmentalist. Now he's an anti-science crackpot who sucks up to the dictators of petrostates and basically has the worst opinions in existence. 

RFK Jr. talks in front of cultists who think maybe his cousin JFK Jr, is a five o'clock shadow dipshit with a porkpie hat who has no resemblance other than white and brown haired. This does not seem to faze him. 

I have never wondered what happened to Ann Coulter. Oh, no. I never, ever, ever have. She's her own thing, all daddy issues and GOP manly hero-worship aside. If she has a Putin fetish I would not wonder at it for a second. 

Anyway, Ann Coulter, Max Blumenthal, and RFK, Jr, and for what it's worth Dennis Kucinich, can all go autocopulate until they are desperately chafed. Their weird fringe "bold" controversial, contrarian opinions are only relevant to their wankery, not to anything happening in the actual world we live in, where Russia is trying to commit genocide and Ukraine is fighting against that because of course they are, and being a democratic nation that has some kind of morals, the US should oppose that. 

People who don't understand that basic calculus flunk my tolerance right now. If you don't know Russia is the bad guy and more than diplomacy is required (like making Russia bleed because bullies only know that language) you are wasting our time with wishful thinking. There is no negotiation that is not some degree of surrender, and a pass for future violence.  Fuck off Tinkerbells. Ask not for who I clap, it is not the entire fuck for you. Who have shitty opinions with no stake at all, at all. 


Ten Bears said...

Coulter did suggest an interesting compromise the other day: just ban abortion for registered Republicans ...

Dan Kleiner said...

i figure it's part of the conspiratorial mindset of the party of personal responsibility.

EVERYTHING is some sordid plot because NOTHING is ever their fault. it follows if THEY don't have agency, then neither do the entire eastern european countries that have joined NATO out of fear of exactly what is happening in ukraine; russian imperialism, expansionism and genocide. a bigger, hotter shooting war on their soil.

article 5 prevents that. it's pretty clear that russia is struggling with ukraine. were putin to cross the border into poland or finland, NATO's combined forces would chew up what's left of his army in short order.

it HAS to be a nefarious plot by the deep state and the (((globalists))). (that this particular conspiracy perfectly aligns with russian propaganda and helps weaken and divide the US is just a random coincidence.)

Vixen Strangely said...

Dan--exactly your point. Republicans can't be wrong, so the original sin of "Russiagate" has to be denied while also supporting Russia because why the hell not? The propagandists basically infiltrated that party because they are susceptible, and love money and don't care where it came from. I literally have a TrumpWorld GrabBag post about a box full of money--the oligarchs are generous to all the GOP faults. And have funded them.

So how do the dupes cope? The party of America First blames the US First. They are stuck on the earlier Iraq war propaganda of "Old Europe". They question the validity and necessity of NATO. The Russia-positive people are generally evangelical white homophobes who love Putin because he gives them what they wish we had. Authoritarianism and official bigotry. They don't care which country has more indoor plumbing or actual diplomatic influence. Russia is almost a client state of China anymore and begs for ammo from Iran and North Korea. Putin's supposed swagger, like Trump's, is all mental Viagra. But they have a fantasy land in mind, by garsh.

The Kennedy Hearing was Ugly

  When your own family thinks you are a weird conspiracy freak who is uniquely unqualified and literally call you a grifting predator, well,...