Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Who's That Girl?


This snippet from Trump's deposition in the E. Jean Carroll defamation case is very interesting: he mistakes Caroll for Marla Maples, his second wife, in a photograph. It's pretty funny to me that he confused a woman that he  insists is "not his type" with a woman he actually married. She's a tall, slender blonde. That seems to be his type. And he also doesn't want to render his DNA. But then again, he tried to pretend he didn't know her at all

But the more disturbing thing in the released deposition is that he tries to maintain that she enjoyed the idea of being raped:

Trump called Carroll “sick, mentally sick”. And he mischaracterized an interview Carroll had given on CNN, falsely claiming she had talked about enjoying being sexually assaulted. “She actually indicated that she loved it. OK? She loved it until commercial break,” Trump said. “In fact, I think she said it was sexy, didn’t she? She said it was very sexy to be raped. Didn’t she say that?”

Kaplan then tried to elicit from Trump that he had raped her client.

“So, sir, I just want to confirm: it’s your testimony that E Jean Carroll said that she loved being sexually assaulted by you?”

Trump answered: “Well, based on her interview with [CNN’s] Anderson Cooper, I believe that’s what took place. And we can define that … I think she said that rape was sexy – which it’s not, by the way.”

What Carroll had described is that she prefers to use the word fight, not rape because some other people “think rape is sexy”.

It doesn't escape me that rapists often tell themselves that their victims really wanted it, and that a narcissist might have a hard time understanding that if he was feeling it, that his victim wasn't also feeling the same way. And the way his response is constructed disturbs me, because it can be interpreted that he acknowledges something happened. 

I kind of feel like his fight against surrendering his DNA is another tell about that, but just consider his words. 

He knows rape isn't supposed to be sexy, But what does he actually believe took place?  

All Trump knows is, nothing he wants to be accountable for. He never wants that. I feel like this deposition leaves me with more of a sense that something happened and he's aware of it. 

UPDATE: Yes I know about the HTML formatting thingie off to the left and I'm really pissed about it. Frankly, is it too hard to literally never copy/paste formatting? I guess I could figure out how to delete it in HTML but life is too short. I wish there were options like Excel has with copy where you can just not do copy with formatting at all. 


Richard said...

Darned if i know who they are. They all look pretty much the same to me. I can recognize trump in that photo, but only because of my horrible experiences as a survivor. I still hope to piss in that grave.

Vixen Strangely said...

I will never be over the idea that there are people who fully understand that Trump is not just a womanizer in the sense of being a playboy or a philanderer, but abusive and even a possible (probable) rapist and still want to believe he should be in a position of power. I acknowledge your feelings as a survivor--my instincts and experiences make me hate this monster too.

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