Tuesday, January 31, 2023

TWGB: Helsinki Vibes


It's funny that Trump put a post up on his Truth Social thingy that wanted to remind people of how he out loud in 2018 admitted he believed Putin over the intelligence agencies of the United States, and how he bad-mouths these agencies and basically always acts like Putin's very own bottom bitch every chance he gets, like somehow that's supposed to be attractive. I'm so sorry to all you real Trump is a he-man believers, but this is bottom bitchery. He got caught fucking with the enemy and he blames people with eyes to see. But he was serving Putin all the while.

Of course, his twisted egomaniac ass denies he got help from Russia, Russia Russia. But he did though. Never forget he did. They even tried to help in 2020 but were stymied by people being aware of his actual performance in office. And Trump paid them back by being a whole ass bottom bitch.  Over and over and over again. 

It's just crazy as hell he'd want to slink back to the scene of the crime like that. Remind us of what a traitor we have every reason to believe he is. Remind us of how Putin owned him so hard he looked like a gimp without the suit being publicly dog-walked back at Helsinki in 2018. 

I didn't write about this thing where Trump downgraded the US IC Community back in 2018 because I was taking a mental health break from blogging and specifically blogging about Trump, because I was of the opinion that shit was so entirely out of whack I needed to just do self-work and get my ass beyond Trump. Be healthy. Eat right, drink responsibly, sleep like a whole human. I refrained from the mission from spring until September came and I could not refrain from Kavanaugh blogging. 

A whole missed opportunity. Nevertheless. I would love it if his accidental Truth Social Confessions actually washed over the denizens there and let them know it was never fake. It was never a hoax. It was never, never, never a hoax. This numb dickhead accepted help from Russia and acted like Putin's stooge, and lied about it, and continuously lies in ways that undermine our democracy and defame our institutions. He slanders civil servants mostly because they got his number. He's a whole piece of shoddy work and I can't respect people who still have love for him. 

Also--finally NY is seeing about the Stormy Daniels bribe. Trump is big-mad about that, too.

You know, there are men who have whole rules about what they consider an affair. A one-night stand isn't. Just hands and mouth stuff isn't. Those rules? Are for cheaters. I feel like maybe Trump, a serial philanderer back when his dick worked more reliably, had rules that made Stormy Daniels not an affair, but some other category of illicit shag. Nonetheless, the payoff is the thing that proves the crime here, and we have that. I don't like his odds, any more than I think he wants to know what he gets after giving up that cheek swab in the E. Jean Carroll thing. 

Do I want his stupid shady womanizing/abusiveness to be the thing that brings him down? Do you know me? I want any damn thing under the sun or beyond it to bring him down. He is trash. He is not a loyal American and he is a poor excuse for a man. Of course I would be pleased as hell to see any instance of his treating women badly as doing his long time fuckery in for good. 

But while Trump whines on social media about how unfair it is that he's always being picked on about one supposed scandal or another, isn't it really weird that all his scandals have proof and stuff and he even confesses to them at times? 

Because my takeway from that is, even if all the scandals aren't true, any part should disqualify him from office like the twice-impeached one-term wonder he is, and if the GOP wanted to purge themselves of Trump, they could try not wishing and hoping and dreaming, but just hunt the fucking mammoth and wound him fatally already. It's totally in their court and they are too ball-less, souless, spineless and gutless to go ahead and do it. 

I just hope these Helsinki vibes stay vibing. We need to not ever forget who this is--Russia's chosen instigator, the worm in the rose, the underminer within. He weakens us, he doesn't make America Great. The sooner we get that, the sooner we can move on. 


Grung_e_Gene said...

The only person Donald John Traitor Trump has spent more time in bed with than Vlad Putin is his daughter, the "Good-looking one" not the other one...

Vixen Strangely said...

I don't like to speculate in what way Trump has abused his now-grown children, but everything about his personality type leads me to believe they are all shaped by an abusive personality. His sexualization of his daughters suggests what he thinks of women in general, and while I don't know that he acted on his comments--I can imagine how this could have affected them, skewed their idea about relationships and how their sexuality, like anything else in TrumpWorld, has a price. There are pictures of the Trump young'uns with Jeffrey Epstein. Don Jr. signed one of the Stormy Daniels pay off checks. I don't think any of them are under illusions about what their dad is. And yet they are very loyal.

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