Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Fabulous Mr. Whatshisname, Future MVP


If you want to know why House Squeaker Kevin McCarthy is sticking with serial fabulist and likely larcenist George Anthony Devolder Santos Zabrovski, I think we need to start with the shamelessness. You know, like the shamelessness of wearing a stolen scarf to a "Stop the Steal" rally. "They did to me as they did to Donald Trump" he said with a straight face (neither his not Trump's election had been stolen) in clothes he had stolen from someone else.

That level of shamelessness is a superpower. After all, when pressed on Santos' embellishments to his resume, McCarthy said "a lot of people here in the Senate and others" had done the same thing.  It might sound shocking to admit, "Hey, we're all pretty sketchy here", but his point is plain: wouldn't being a brazen liar only help?

Let's face it, by giving Santos his support, McCarthy hopes to get loyalty from Santos, so will perform for him just the way he performed for Baruch College, leading their volleyball team to the championship on two bad knees when he didn't even go there? (He seems to have stolen that story from one of his former bosses.)

That's moxie. 

George Whatshisname will be whatever McCarthy needs. He's already changing the party's diversity profile all by himself, you know, and will be a real influencer with conservative LGB(maybe)T folks. Just the way he's obviously influenced the Jewish community with his real-ish story about his ancestors that never happened. 

And let's talk experience. This is a man that already knows all about checks and balances. Like, if you steal checks, don't try to draw more on them than the account balances. He's really made an impression on NY local politicians--and it looks like he's made an even bigger one on local donors! (Click those last two lovely links--he's part of a very sleazy "only in the GOP" apparatus that doesn't blow the whistle on shady candidates and may even prefer them--and that treats its donors like an ATM with inauthentic repeat credit card drafts).

We all wait with baited breath to see what Santos does for his party next to reward McCarthy for his trust. Because trusting this guy seems to have gone so well for others!


Ten Bears said...

I want to see its' birth certificate. Long form.

I'm just doing my thing, turning it back in their faces, being an asshole when I suggest Raphael "Ted" Cruz is a Qban Canadian illegal alien.

Here we have the real deal ...

Vixen Strangely said...

I think we're sure he was born in Brazil but are still waiting on whether he ever became a citizen. Or if so--under what name.

Grung_e_Gene said...

The Republicans love this "Santos" is drawing all the Media Fire and he just continues to vote for all the Republican horror house bills and every revelation is met with a smirk. The Republican Party thought they had the Golden Fleece in "Santos" who would be able to be a gay, who loves DeSantis and Anti-LGBTQ legislation, an immigrant who hates immigration, a wildly successful economic businessman who hates the regulation, a 911 victim, the 1st person to get Covid, he represented immunity from liberal attacks and even now he's a Media darling.

Vixen Strangely said...

Gene--you nailed it. Before he got caught, he was exactly what the GOP loves. They love Candace Owens tearing up anti-racism and Brandon Straka "going his own way" and suggesting LGBT people leave the Democratic party. I just saw one of these George Santos (the Man, the myth) videos where he said he voted for Schumer. (You know, as a fellow Jew...I guess.) An even better story--they love the idea of the prodigal voter who was a lefty who turned right. He's the ideal con, just always figuring out what the marks want to hear. The NY Young Republicans (those fascists) made him man of the year once (he's a youngish-Republican--they eat up proof they attract anyone under 40). And he's pretended to have Ukrainian roots so he could shit-talk the Russian invasion. A chameleon has nothing on this guy.

The Kennedy Hearing was Ugly

  When your own family thinks you are a weird conspiracy freak who is uniquely unqualified and literally call you a grifting predator, well,...