Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Rudy Giuliani, True Believer Part 2


It just isn't right that I'm posting about how this dripping clown was running a whole election fraud circus, but here we are. He was a true believer in trying to find dirt on the Bidens, and he went on to be a true believer about voter fraud. He basically lived in a state of improv--always saying "Yes!" 

And he needed money. He never got any from Trump, though. Even when he literally worked until the hair dye ran down his face.

Anyway, Giuliani stays loyal and still isn't paid. I don't even think the mob does low level guys that harsh. He made his bones, he did his job (poorly, poorly) but he isn't a rat and he sticks with the story. 

Trump never pre-emptively pardoned him and still seems cold. This is TrumpWorld's reward.

UPDATE: It's been determined that Giuliani violated at least one ethics rule and the DC bar recommends disbarment. But in the course of it, Giuliani still says he thought Trump won. Even now, though, he doesn't seem to grasp that never bothering to check whether his assertions were true before litigating them is kind of a big deal. Especially when a democracy depends on caring about that sort of thing. 

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