Saturday, December 24, 2022

Flies in the Vaseline 2: She Lost


She got her day in court, and her argument was found to be unpersuasive.  

A state judge on Saturday rejected Kari Lake’s last-ditch effort to overturn her defeat in the Arizona governor’s race, dismissing for lack of evidence her last two claims of misconduct by Maricopa County election officials.

The order by Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson, after a two-day trial in Phoenix that ended Thursday, follows more than six weeks of claims by Ms. Lake, a Republican, that she was robbed of victory last month — assertions that echoed the false contention that was at the heart of her campaign: that an even larger theft had stolen the 2020 presidential election from Donald. J. Trump.

Her campaign has said it would appeal, and I would strongly suggest that they not do that, because it seems to me like sanctions would be a-comin' if they wanted to be that hard-headed. (It seems like the problem of trying to undermine faith in democracy is too serious a threat to call what they'd be doing actually "frivolous", but I can't imagine there's anything they have else to bring to the courtroom.)

But look where she has landed herself--if she just graciously thanked her campaign for all they did to support her in a relatively close gubernatorial contest and vow to continue to strive to participate in the civic life of Arizonans, maybe she would not look like the a smacked ass who ran around saying stuff like "They messed with the wrong bitch" and claiming she probably won it by a half million. 

It's a very unfiltered and unattractive look, right?  

I think it was very important for the process that she had been able to have her day in court and wildly not-prove her claims, and hope lessons are learned from this. I don't necessarily know that they will be the right lessons, but damnit, it feels like an educational opportunity.

UPDATED: Motion for sanctions against Kari Lake and her attorneys just dropped.  Lake should wake up--she may try to manipulate public opinion, but the courts are not the same.

1 comment:

Bruce.desertrat said...

"maybe she would not look like the a smacked ass who ran around saying stuff like "They messed with the wrong bitch" and claiming she probably won it by a half million.

It's a very unfiltered and unattractive look, right? "

The GOP base simply does not respect any politician who doesn't talk like a belligerent druncle about to be tossed out of the bar on their ass by the bouncers. Had they picked Karin Robson in the primary, Hobbs would lkikely have lost.

The same people running the state party in 2022 will be running it in 2024, so I don't expect there to be much change.

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