Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Durham Yeet


For a little while, there. MAGA had a lot of faith that the Durham investigation was going to lead to some kind of version of the Qanon "storm" where just loads of the Deep State operatives who always had it out for Trump would finally get their asses in serious trouble. The theory, as far as I can understand it, is: there were people in the USG sympathetic to the DNC who engaged in some kind of shenanigans to create a totally FAKE!!! investigation into Trump's completely innocent Russia connections to try and DESTROY HIS PRESIDENCY!

Durham was going to be the guy who uncovered the vicious plot against the one term-twice impeached wonder and suddenly, after a methodical study of all the facts, thoroughly exonerate Trump and his absolutely sterling and not at all dodgy character as not just a 2016 candidate for office but as a human, a father-figure, an aspiring Christian and a chosen leader for a more righteous America, and justify everything he ever did in his four years, forever and ever, we are not owned and turning into corncobs, AMEN!

And that did not happen, because the entire concept is incredibly faulty and not based on any facts in the entire world. So once again, Durham tries to get some kind of conviction, and it does not happen. 

See, Mueller referred Manafort and Flynn and Stone, and just so many positive things happened during the Mueller investigation--because it was legitimate, and those assholes are only walking free because Trump pardoned them. Because he needed them. Because he and they are partners in corruption. I'm not actually sure how MAGAs can't connect dots that are right there in front of their asses, but they can imagine whole entire universes of "alternative facts" that somehow make a legitimate counterintelligence investigation into Russian interference with OUR US ELECTIONS into something sinister when it is agreed that Russia is always interfering in other folks' elections

They interfered on Trump's behalf. And surprise--it wasn't because they thought Trump was competent or good for our interests--but actually was good for theirs!

In the meanwhile, the FBI never admitted to an investigation into Trump and we never found out about the Steele dossier until after Trump was elected. That is how much it interfered with his presidency (it didn't). He lost because he got impeached and followed it up by fucking up his COVID-19 response. The end. 

Well, not quite. He extorted Zelenskyy because he wanted to win in 2020 and he thought minimizing COVID-19 would help his 2020 election chances. So he fucked up hard because he was a thirsty little bitch who wanted to get re-elected, and Bill Barr, while he would certainly help him with RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA wasn't going to befoul himself with a lie about voter fraud. He just left behind Durham, to do his darndest to prove a thing that didn't happen--that Deep State folks railroaded Trump, rather than CI professionals meticulously looked through his associations to see if he was compromised because if he was, that would be very bad for the US. Which is something we actually ought to prioritize. 

And Merrick Garland realized Durham had no cases and let him pursue this bullshit because why not? He couldn't do any harm if he had no cases. So he let the guy go on. And now MAGAland is mad. Big mad. So much promises, so little effect. 

It's because investigating whether a foreign entity tried to fuxxor our elections was a totally valid cause, you guys. The theory that tries to exonerate Trump sucks if it also tries to exonerate Putin--he doesn't deserve your benefit of the doubt. But yes, if Putin backed Trump, it does mean he hoped Trump would undermine our democracy and strength around the world, damage our relationships with allies, etc. Because he is not our friend. And Trumpists are still undermining our democracy, creating divisions, and basically doing more harm to the US than good, which is anything but "America First". 

I think Durham needs to shut it down now, because he can't do any more and should by now know that. I wish MAGAs understood that this is not the fault of the Deep State, but their own mislaid expectations, that they are so disappointed. 

2 comments: said...

It is all MAGA performance art.

For people who claim to abhor modern philosophy, they have totally latched onto the post-modern frame of nothing being true or false. They make their own (shitty) reality, sadly.

Vixen Strangely said...

I've become attached to the idea that a lot of supposed MAGA tenets are that--performance art. They don't ***believe*** in the voter fraud for example--it's cope on a rope. They don't have proof for it, it makes no sense, etc. They just say it when they lose because losing sucks and they want to preserve their sense of dignity. To which end, I'm at the point where their argumentation is a waste of everyone's time--purposefully. The response is: Nice thing you haven't proven and didn't happen. Show pics, not memes. How much oxygen is left in your bubble? etc. A movement that is literally based on "owning" is pathetic when it becomes a perpetual self-clowning machine.

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