Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Confederate and the Commonwealth


This is gubernatorial hopeful Doug Mastriano, an actual insurrectionist, whose thesis was about a left-wing insurrection (that never happened) and who participated in an attempted right-wing coup. He's wearing a Confederate uniform. That's quite a choice for a person who is already understood to be an anti-Semite who wanted to throw out the votes of black voters in the Commonwealth. 

Sometimes people are exactly who they represent themselves to be. This is that guy. He isn't covering up one damn thing, but is reveling in his White Christian Nationalist identification. 

He really wore a Confederate uniform and wants to represent the Commonwealth where the Gettysburg dead lay hallowed?  Maybe this chuckleheaded culture war signifier needs to wake up and realize that if he wants to represent some "Florida of the North", he might get his wishes more immediately by just making like a New Jersey snowbird and winging his ass to Florida--for good and being a part of the South that he wanted to represent. 

Screw him and his rebel ass. 


Kwark said...

Oh, I'm sure he'll say he was just interested in showing the diversity of our military past. . . or some such bullshit these asshats always try out on the gullible in the hopes the MSM will pick it up and normalize this smoke and mirrors misdirection as "patriotism".

Vixen Strangely said...

Some of his PA supporters have expressed comments such as "They are just trying to remove teaching *our* history". Which is basically saying they don't identify with the Union cause--they see "our" as being Confederate, which sounds to me like "white supremacist". And, of course, I love the idea of teaching Confederate history. So that people can understand that it was treason in defense of the institution of slavery. Because like. People can just read the various letters of secession and understand what was up. Those states were pretty blunt about it.

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