Sunday, July 24, 2022

Republicans Don't Care About Your Family


Republicans demonstrated with their vote in the House against supporting same-sex or interracial marriages that they don't care about all of our American families. After all, House Republicans also failed to support access to contraception.  They don't care if lack of access to abortion means that a pregnant person dies, or that pregnant people can't move freely across the country to access their right to bodily autonomy according to their own conscience. 

It has to be finally admitted--they don't care about your family. Republicans chatted quite comfortably with a gay man and then right afterwards told him his family did not matter to them. They don't care about his family, and his young children. They don't care about his parental rights and those of his spouse. 

They would not care about your family, that you made via IVF, because it offends the anti-abortion people. I want you to know that. 

If you are Jewish or gay, they would probably prefer you not adopt because you aren't the right sort of people to raise kids. Marjorie Taylor Greene considers adoptive parents "fake" and thinks they are a danger to children. 

They don't care if your family goes hungry, they don't care if you have disabled kids, they don't care if your kids have access to a good library or whether your public schools are funded or even staffed well. 

They probably prefer they aren't staffed well. They want to privatize all of education. 

They don't care about your health care. They want to do away with Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security, and raise your taxes or at least Sen. Rick Scott does, and he isn't all by himself, even if he looks like some kind of alien in a barely-fitting humansuit. He says weird stuff about whether people have skin in the game--which is a euphemism for "money" because most people are adept enough at humaning to understand that actual skin (covering human blood and guts and whatnot) is something we all have in the health care game, thanks!  Every human has "skin" in the game of whether we have health care-dumbass! Even skin care is a kind of health care--thanks! It's our biggest organ!

These tiresome people even think it's okay--even after we had an attempted insurrection that had so many right-wing militia adjacent people and so many with military backgrounds, to not do a thing about white supremacy in the military. They don't care about the outcomes, or maybe, hell, they want bad outcomes. 

They just don't care about you or your family and have no plan for the future and are happy with everything going to shit. There is no good reason to ever, ever, ever, vote for a Republican. Actual facts, long story short, the end. 


This bitch called LGBT families a fake issue on purpose as if that helped and wants to call Buttigeig an elitist for the school he went to while sneering at gay marriages and pretending that gas prices are somehow more important than people's families. Also, state's rights are about denying human rights: because look how often states' right arguments have been about supporting slavery or segregation or denying access to voting for eligible citizens. Marco Rubio is either ignorant of history, or a desperate little punk signaling culture war for all he's worth because his vacation bible school fortune cookie ass does not have a single thing else to recommend him. 


Ten Bears said...

I don't care what happens to Republicans ... the only good ones are dead

Vixen Strangely said...

I wish I could find the good in any of them, but the badness, the so-bad-it-feels-intentional badness, of what they do so outweighs the even temporary nuggets of good.

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