Wednesday, March 30, 2022

TWGB: He Doesn't Always Hide It


Sometimes, as with the over seven hours of missing calls in the White House phone logs on 1/6, during which it is very possible that Trump used a burner phone (which he does so know about) it seems likely that Trump is capable of being aware of wrong-doing and while it doesn't actually stop him from doing something wrong, it does lead him to try to obstruct justice or destroy evidence

But then there are times that Trump just does things wildly out loud and in public. His December Tweet, that I mentioned in the last post, was like that. "Will be wild!" Some of The Donald's followers, like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, and Qanon folks, had a very specific idea about what "wild" meant. It was either "1776" or "The Storm". From what I can glean, I think it's possible that Trump's farkakteh lolsuit against Hillary Clinton and, well, everyone, is part of his attempt to try and link the 2016 election with the Deep State. (And helps him establish the narrative that the "rigging" of 2020 was the Deep State, once again. Just because it makes no sense doesn't mean he wouldn't try to legitimize it.)

So, how's this for really out loud and in public: he asked Putin just now (in the middle of a genocidal war against Ukraine) to please release anything he has on Hunter Biden because after all, Putin is pretty mad at the US right now and doesn't he want his old friend Trump back? Not because it's in America's best interests or because Trump cares about the fate of Ukraine (which is just terrible for not complying with what he thinks is a reasonable request via a perfect call in the first place) or obviously the free world--

It's in Trump's interest. He ghoulishly is going to capitalize on Putin being mad at the US to try and undermine the Biden Administration, the fallout be damned; the damage to democracy here and anywhere else be damned. And his little friends, like Liz Harrington and John Solomon, think this is a great look for him! By all means, why not undermine our relationships with our European allies? I mean, what does America Trump First mean?  And what about those efforts to Save America Trump?

And as for the Putin pals, they have already put forth a disgusting lie about whether Hunter Biden is connected to those infamous biolabs (which is obviously bullshit) which (of course) mentions George Soros too and has been picked up by totally not unreliable smear merchants like Tucker Carlson. And of course, the state media in Russia is on board with this being about US regime change, and getting their buddy Trump back

And I mean, why not? They even think Russia could get Yanukovych back in Ukraine. (But really? I mean, he wasn't getting the "best people"!)

After all this time, after decrying the "Russia, Russia, Russia" thing as hoax, after all the various proofs that yes, Virginia, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc., Russia really did try to interfere with 2016, and that whole Hunter Biden thing feels like a put up distraction to smear Joe Biden, here's Trump, still looking for Daddy Vladdy to come fix something for him. 

He's not a patriot. He's a parasite. He cannot be a 2024 contender. He is treasonous. 

If the GOP can't see that, they are the same. If Democrats can't use this, they are hopeless. 


Dan Kleiner said...

i really don't understand the whole hunter biden thing. i'm sorry, i guess i'm stupid. i know, i just don't get it. like, he's not jared, not ivanka, not dtjr, he had NOTHING to do with the obama administration, he has NOTHING to do with the biden administration- not to mention there's nothing REMOTELY like a secure chain of evidence with the laptop, is it just about destroying biden's surviving son so they can batter uncle joe emotionally?

i just don't get it.

Vixen Strangely said...

I don't think there's an "it" to get--just like with Whitewater or Benghazi, the point of the exercise is to point fingers and make a fuss until the punters start to see the vague outline of a problem they don't understand either--but are definitely sure exists because of all the finger-pointing and fussing. I'm sure con artists have a more elegant term for the swindle, but it's like an "emperor's clothes" sort of situation, where if everyone is going "ooh" and "aahhh" at something, they don't want to give the game away that they can't see the clothes either.

Just like wanting to know exactly what RWers mean when they say something about critical race theory (can they define it?), I think examining what exactly they think is on Hunter Biden's laptop might reveal a whole lot of mush. Conspiracy theories about biolabs are a projection against the blank, mushy screen of very "suspicious stuff" the hearer of the "faux news" doesn't know but is lead to be certain must exist. Just like somehow, DNC emails from Tony Podesta referencing spirit cooking folded into Pizzagate and Qanon--without referents and intimate knowledge, there is no great way to navigate a vague terrain. So people label the terra incognita "hic sunt dracones".

Conspiracy theory is when people connect the dots in a haphazard way because they have no earthly idea how they go together. And this leads to the construction of monsters.

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