Friday, March 18, 2022

TWGB: The Call Came From Inside the White House


So here's a funny thing--the batshit idea that dead Hugo Chavez elected Joe Biden from beyond the grave by being backdoor-hacked into the Dominion voting machines is apparently a whole thing once authorized under the White House auspices. Like, Pete Navarro, the dude who openly admitted to the Green Bay Sweep plan, was the boss of the office where someone, somehow, determined that maybe foreigners could be fucking with the election. 


That feels convenient. 

It's almost like someone used the office of the presidency to construct a narrative where the election was invalid because they already knew they would not win outright, and wanted to create a distraction that would arouse partisans to their fabricated cause.

The idea was so weird that they couldn't decide who to consider the plausible author of it.

And this thing was apparently worked on before the election, but wasn't used to halt the election or create an amendment to how it was carried out, just to provide a cloak of fuckery when Trump ultimately lost.

He was always going to lose based on the polls, but I guess hope springs eternal in the mind of the true-believer? 

Long story short: I guess Trump used the office of the presidency to also create a basis for the lie that the voting machines were wrong, just in the same way he encouraged lawyers to create a narrative for invalidating the vote, and ultimately, put into play a narrative where Pence would have a justification to  follow the Eastman plan. Trump and his supporters seem to be anathema to the concept of democracy. 

Trump needs to be held accountable for any violations of the law, but I don't know how to correct the culture that was so willing to overthrow democracy for the sake of this ignorant and arrogant person. He is and was a dumbass and hardly a person I would sacrifice any principle for. 

I guess many Republicans felt differently. 


Ten Bears said...

The culture of "pulling one off." Get Away with It

That's what's happened, we've let them get away with it and this is the inevitable, the predictable, the entirely unsurprising nor unanticipated ... result. There's no stopping it. Some of us saw it coming, called it out, no one listened. Or maybe those of us who saw it coming, or were listening knew/know on an innate level there is only one way to stop it. No one was going to listen, no one will listen, 'till it get's to that point.

There's a plethora of conspiracy "theories" out there around certain Yurp bankers and insurers and their machinations across the centuries to (((Profit))). Genocides, Wars, and Rumors of Wars. Kinda' makes an ol' boy just a couple generations out from hunter/gathering wonder. Media sure puts a lot of effort into keeping our attention away from the man behind the curtain.

Someone could write a book, or two, about that ...

Dan Kleiner said...

yeah, ten bears. you could call it the protocols of something something...

Ten Bears said...

I didn't say anything about the protocols ...

Ten Bears said...

You could call it The Wizard of Oz ...

Dan Kleiner said...

your (((parenthesis))) said enough.

Ten Bears said...

That's how you saw it ... your opinion

Everyone knows about opinions ...

Vixen Strangely said...

Ok, there's a semiotic breakdown here, so I'm going to try and engineer a synthesis--the people in power in a corrupt system always distract from what they are trying to do--sometimes by managing crises they created in the first place and often by/with scapegoating. The (((symbol))) used in Ten Bears' statement refers to what is in the theories about supposed bankers--but unfortunately, those theories are still being countlessly recycled by dumbasses. I swear to God, I did not want to think in this day and age I would hear former US military or Russian spokespeople say shit like "rootless cosmopolitans" out loud except as history, but fuck--we still live in a world where anti-Semitism is a live grenade. Qanon still regurgitates blood libels that were old when Martin Luther was a pup. So, some clarity is in order.

Marginalized people are always the first to get fucked over when the shit hits the fan. Anytime any people's life gets considered a "question" or a "problem": the Jewish problem, the gay problem, the Indian problem, the communist problem, the Black problem, the Ukrainian problem, the immigrant problem, it's for the sake of division so you don't notice that the shitheads with $14000 coats and $1,000,000 yachts are making poor bastards bleed and babies die for the sake of money and power.

Trump used specifically Black voting districts to make his racist points about his election loss, after specifically building his initial campaign on demonizing and punishing immigrants from "shithole countries" concentrating on brown and black people and especially Muslims. There was nothing coincidental about that.

Every time I hear some smooth white Fox News infected knob say shit like, "Why do we care about Ukraine's border more than our border with Mexico?" I hear that dumb, distracting lie--"Hey you, rube! Don't worry about the evil elsewhere, why don't you participate in some evil right here?" Because they hope white people here won't give a shit about a Slavic regional war, after all, when we US whiteys could just be jumping on some brown peoples' shit. But since I know there's plenty about me those self same whiteys, blue in the eye and vein as me, would hate about yours truly--I will never play the game of what marginalized person I want to beat up on today. It's always Punch Nazis Day.

So I hope what Ten is pointing out is the (((lie))) is a lie. Zelenskyy lost family to the kind of hate Russia is pretending they are trying to combat. The Pro-invasion propaganda has literally tried to depict Ukraine as both Nazificated and "woke". Because they haven't figured out who to scapegoat for their perpetrated slaughter, but it's gonna be somebody. And in the meanwhile, all kinds of people will die. Ukraine's farmland is responsible for feeding a shit-ton of the global south, as is Russia. This shit, even without nukes, has real world impacts that are shocking when you think how much we are talking about the "messaging".

Vixen Strangely said...

Second very long response re: the culture of getting away with it. In the world where IOKIYOAR and Murc's Law exist, it became necessary for me to evaluate how Republicans view morality, and it came to me that they view morality as an identity, not as a function of doing. That is to say, who you are determines whether what you do is right or not. Christians are "good", so ignore the grifting and abuse (especially sexual abuse). Cops are lawful (so ignore that they break the law). White people are "good" and minorities are "questionable". If you are alleged to have done something bad--it is to be denied. Other people made you do it (i.e. Kyle Rittenhouse would not have killed anyone if not for BLM existing). The people identified as bad are always wrong (LGBT, antifa, hippies, non-Christians, etc.)

It's a fucking convenient moral system to operate in. Anything a "bad" party is accused of is necessarily right. Anything a "good" party is accused of is definitionally wrong. Priests don't by definition diddle kids, nor do nice boys from good religious homes. Republicans don't do voter fraud, they just respond to the obvious liberal voter fraud problem. But liberals are committing treason by breathing. And are obviously friends of pedos. Because once we operate without any sense of fact-based knowledge or critical thinking, why not?

For bad people to consistently "get away with it" all we need is for innocent people to get fucked over. Always.

Vixen Strangely said...

I don't like to think about it because it makes me feel like conservatives are a kind of very badly programmed and malevolent artificial intelligence and that feels mean and like they can't be redeemed, but wow. There are systematic reasons why conversion to IRL compatibility is definitely difficult for them.

It's Especially NOT Funny Because It's True — Secular Talk ( (@KyleKulinski) March 17, 2025 MAGA doesn't care about this....