Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Banana Republican


Trump sometimes started chants of "law and order" at rallies, and gleefully suggested "Lock her up!", but he is terrified that the law might come for him. He would very much like his misfit crowd to protect him by making him too big and scary to even try in court. He threatens a disruption to law and basic order. He said at his rally that if he were to be re-elected in 2024, he would be looking at pardoning anyone who was charged relating to January 6th.

That is not just intended as a "thank you" to the January 6 rioters and the helpful alternate electors, that is letting his fan club know he will need help getting to 2024 and giving them a permission slip to do whatever it takes to get him there, as well. What he's promoting is lawlessness and civil disorder. 

For the well-being of his very own personal behind. 

"Make America Great Again" has never been about actually making America great--it's a slogan implying Trump's disdain for America, and his desire to be in authority and make himself great.  He would wreck this country, not to save it (as his new slogan implies) but to save his neck from accountability. Oh, and save others, mostly cronies, from accountability. The rule of law and good order are nowhere to be found in Trump's wishes. 

That he is supported in this is appalling, but of course his near circle of associates is likely to consist of people in jeopardy over their previous assistance.  Are they inspired by this grubby neck-preserving enterprise? Do they think a better world is made from lies and violence? Are they excited to be pulling down democracy for this gold-toilet, silver-spoon autocrat? 

There is no mistaking what this is. We have to assume those near him aren't fooled, but are quite aware of what he is saying, and like it


"Overturned the election." Trump knows full well he didn't win, he just wanted  to hold power by any means necessary and remains sore that it never happened. He must never be even close to attempting to get near to power again. Not ever. 

And squishy Republicans like Senator Collins who can't rule out supporting this un-American cretin in 2024 need to take stock of what kind of country his second term would leave us. If you want a Republic, you have to do something to try and keep it. This was always the deal behind our Constitution. 

1 comment:

Dan Kleiner said...

that stupid slogan, the "make america great again (again)" is SUCH a self-own. it's an admission of failure; like, WTF was he DOING for four years?

not to mention, i thought he "won" the election. if he BELEIVES that shit, he should start issuing pardons now. i mean, he's the POTUS, right?!?

(also, the prosecutors are RACISTS? are orange-skinned fascist monsters a protected class now?!? GTFO.)

Ashes, Ashes

  There's a Tweet going around about the above two that one knows he's going to hell and the other doesn't, but that isn't i...