Monday, December 13, 2021

Sincere Believers in Their Own Bullshit


Just a little bit in advance of Mark Meadows being held in contempt of Congress (unless he realizes that he has little choice but to, shall we say, be less contemptible?) and interesting item comes to light from the trove of documents already handed over the the 1/6 Committee: an email indicating that the National Guard was to be put on standby to protect Trump supporters. From whom?

Just to put a pin in the whom question--this is what Former Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller already testified that Trump told him. They were to protect Trump's demonstrators

From the hordes of antifa super-soldiers bearing soup cans and malice, once has to assume. After all, it was goldurn liberals and whatnot who were going to go hog wild according to the Claremont war games, and the police would need to take shocking bloody measures to put them down. Especially the antifa and BLM elites in their upper middle class urban enclaves.

That's what they were counting on. Outlandish stereotypes detached from reality. Their own people were the thugs, but they never thought that was how Trump supporters would be viewed.  That's how sincerely they believed their own bullshit.

UPDATE: And I will not stop laughing that part of the referral for Meadows' contempt charge is due to his having written a book partially covering the subject matter. It's just very choice. Stable genius, even.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Part of it was racism (DC being majority minority) and part of it was working the refs (look at these BLM and Antifa thugs!). Thank goodness that anybody left of Mona Charen decided to stay home that day. Even so, the right-wing media has tried to blame leftist infiltrators and even the FBI for the violence, even though we know exactly who these people are because of their social media history.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Trump and his criminal cabal expected there to be a big counter protest in DC which would draw away law enforcement response and allow the MAGA Mob free reign for hours to ensure the election was overthrown.

Vixen Strangely said...

Yep--and I'll write about this in a bit when I've collected my thoughts about it, but the recent revelations from Mark Meadows' emails and texts from Fox News hosts clearly indicate that in the absence of any evidence that there were any antifa there, they were going to still workshop going with the lie because the enemy was already identified: the dirty fucking hippies. Somewhere in the back of Trump's head, was he envisioning sugarplums and the fond memories of Governor Reagan sending National Guard to bash heads in at Berkeley? The thing with reactionaries is, they live in the past, and it's our business as humans with the advantage of a history record to learn from the past to do better.

Trump Pardons Domestic Terrorists

  Trump and his confederates (word choice definitely intentional) like to play off what happened in 1/6 as, variously, a love-in, a prayer c...