Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Quick Question for Senator Sinema--


Exactly how much fundraising do you suppose you have to do to hold on to your seat if you somehow have, inexplicably (or at least, inexplicably thus far) done your best to alienate the people who were your base? Because you can not go and get a whole new base, and even if Republicans are looking more favorably on you--look at Arizona Republicans. Look at 'em. They like a Democrat who doesn't function like a Democrat (preferably who doesn't function at all), but they would prefer a Republican who is like them. Which lately...

I mean. Look at them.


Jimbo said...

Exactly. Why would the Rethug Party in AZ choose a flaky senator with unreliable loyalties when they can, for sure, get a reliable and obedient Rethug foot soldier?

Ten Bears said...

Turn the water off.

Vixen Strangely said...

She's a little high on her own supply right now, but she needs to understand how very isolated in terms of friends and choices she can be.

Richard said...

Good comment about turning the water off.

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