Monday, January 4, 2021


Find them, but like, where? Under the rug? Or maybe "find" them by throwing out an equivalent number of Biden votes?

Georgia's electoral votes alone wouldn't take Trump over 270, so it stands to reason (I think) that similar calls have taken place with other states. In the hour long call, the president sounded delusional, repeating voter fraud conspiracy theories popular on the fringes that he has no proof for, and really, he sounds desperate

The deal is--Trump lost despite voter suppression in Georgia. How much help does the guy deserve? He claims Senate Republicans were helped by him in their elections, but since he lost, that doesn't sound right, does it? Some of these folks may want to reconsider what Trump sounds like on that tape and ask themselves whether that's a position of strength, or a fucking liability.

They had an opportunity this time last year to kiss this guy off and failed. The last thing they should be doing now is helping him, because he only knows how to help himself. This attempt to overthrow a valid election is sedition. It must fail.

UPDATE: So, so desperate:

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