Monday, November 23, 2020

PSA: Saving Your Blessings


I know a lot of people have already left to get to their family holiday get-togethers, and some others might be very certain that warning about the spread of COVID-19 is a liberal plot to destroy the family by attacking our sacred holidays, but I think it should be said that if our service-members and veterans do and have spent holidays away from their loved ones for the protection of this nation, isn't that really something any of us should be patriotic enough to do? 

COVID-19 has killed over 250K Americans (given the excess death figures, probably tens of thousands more). That's an enemy you shouldn't want to bring home with you for the holidays. And while it isn't fatal for everyone who comes into contact with it (although it is dangerous enough for older people and immune-compromised people), it can certainly send someone to the hospital. Those beds are already filling up. Hospitals and health care workers are stressed to the maximum

No one is saying not to celebrate Thanksgiving--in a small group within your household and maybe making some nice long phone calls to folks who are distant. Be thankful! But sometimes the best way to show thankfulness for your blessings is to save them. Social distancing saves lives. Too many people have learned this lesson the hard way.

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