Sunday, November 22, 2020

Kraken, Out


You can say what you like about the Trump campaign legal strategy (oh boy, can you!) but I would have to say nothing likely ended Powell's membership in the Elite Strike Force like "going rogue" and accusing GA Gov. Kemp of being paid by the Chi-Coms to throw the election to Biden, as well as suggesting that Rep. Doug Collins (endorsed by Powell client Mike Flynn), not Sen. Kelly Loeffler, should actually be in the run-off. 

That was drawing too many Republican bodies into her web of crazy, and while people will tolerate some goofy-ass conspiracy theorizing, this was getting to be a whole Disney parade of cartoon-ass conspiracy theorizing. And that's a little too close to two entire senate run-offs. The "kraken" that was about to be unleashed was just an amalgam of "crack" and Karen". She had to go. 

I do have to say that she is not weirder nor more obviously inept than Rudy Giuliani, who Tweeted today about the population of Wayne County:

Ok, that's his story, and there is no proof of any large scale fraud that has actually been discovered by anybody, but this Tweet seems to be referring to a fairly specific claim brought forward in a case by Lin Wood (who very probably is even more, uh, controversial, than Powell or Giuliani) based on confusing Michigan with Minnesota.  It's something that's not just laughable, but was widely debunked (and laughed at) days before. Did he somehow not know this is demonstrable bullshit before pointing it out or is he too far gone to care? (Or more to the point, is he just bringing it up for the benefit of an audience that never checks links and is also too far gone to care?)

Old sentimentalist that Trump is, I guess he has his reasons for hanging onto Giuliani, and competence in front of a court is not as important as loyalty. (Would it even help when these are the cases he's got?)

You know who I like for all kinds of reasons: NJ Rep. Bill Pascrell. He's filing legal complaints to the bar regarding 22 of these election-hoaxing horseflies trying to change the results of the election. And more power to him.

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Ashes, Ashes

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