Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The October Surprise is We Made it to October


I'm not sure what we're supposed to do with information that some computer shop got hold of a hard drive that is from Hunter Biden and is now in the hands of maybe the FBI and also too Rudy Giuliani who is very strong on the cyber. (Like, this is a thing he took money from people to consult on, which is actually embarrassing.) 

So now that the Durham investigation and the "unmasking" thing are apparently duds, we're going to go back to the Ukraine well that got Trump impeached, huh? If that's where the guy holding superspreader events all over battleground states want to go, to advertise his alleged post-Covid-19 fitness while the pandemic still rages and while his actual unfitness for the job was determined well before he botched the pandemic response, well, ok. As for me, I spent the last nearly four years documenting TrumpWorld Grab Bags of the depth and depravity of this Administration, and this counts as the most desperate and fail-flail stuff I have ever seen from a pack of racist cretins and inveterate liars

Naturally, Biden has no record that such a meeting as is the focal point of the email allegation from the hard-drive "evidence" ever took place*--"but his emails" is just recycled 2016 hash, and I would adore to know what emails between Jared Kushner and MbS looked like. I don't want to hear about familial corruption from the Trump Administration/family, who are literally soaking in it. 

Trump is desperate for an October Surprise. He will try different things, some entirely stupid. But it's too late--remember how this whole year has gone? Yeah. That's him. That was his watch. He fucked everything up and is now looking for a lifeline. 

I am not even arsed to play this game anymore and chase down all the ways this shit is fake, because even if it was all 100% true, Trump fucked up everything. The economy is bad. The unemployment is bad. The COVID-19 deaths and infection rates are bad. The polarization and mistrust are bad. His relentless lying is bad, and getting worse, because his brain is bad. 

Even if Biden is flawed or his son is a wee bit of a money hungry fuckup--everything in TrumpWorld is worse than we deserve. And Biden is not that flawed. He has the unfakeable funk of a person who actually gives a damn about this country. Trump World's shitheaded rumor mongering shows he never has. 

*UPDATE: And as Steve M. notes, even if such a meeting did take place, it isn't a big deal--or wouldn't be unless you are already primed to knee-jerk assume there must be something wrong there. Long story short--this is for keeping Trump's rubens on the ranch, but it won't derail folks who already know well and good why they are Team Biden.

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