Saturday, October 17, 2020

Not All Folks Are Better Than This, Apparently


I always think to myself, when I see well-intentioned people say "We are better than this": "Well, who do you mean 'we'?" because obviously, some of us sure aren't. And unfortunately, this isn't even the first time that David Perdue tipped his hand that he was not better than this

Perdue also was in the room where Donald Trump apparently went off on "shithole countries" and did not hear him say what I think we all know Trump definitely did. ("Shithouse" vs. "Shithole", FWIW, is a distinction without a difference, equivocation without a point, slimy as fresh chickenshit and reflective of a very particular and miniaturized value system.) 

 This is a moment reminiscent of former Virginia Senator George Allen's "macaca moment"--a moment of racial idiocy so naked it signaled implosion. For his part, Perdue's spox said that muffing up Sen. Kamala Harris' name (having worked with her for years in the Senate) wasn't about her ethnicity, but about her being a "socialist". Neither she nor Ossoff have called themselves socialists. The Green New Deal isnt't about socialism but rather clean energy and a better environment, and good jobs. Perdue's message is old-fashioned fear-mongering. 

 To give him his due, however, Perdue at least manages to be a little better than Doug Collins and Kelly Loeffler, who embrace fellow Georgian and extraordinary horrible racist Marjorie Taylor Greene. For her part, Greene has endorsed Loeffler, who is also just dogwhistling her narrow ass off. Partially on her Daddy/husband's dime, in exchange for sweet insider-knowledge, I bitchily assume. 

So anyhow, I guess this is my endorsement for Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock because Republicans are going especially low this year, and maybe we are not all doing better--but couldn't we try? Go to ActBlue and give them some money if you can. Because if Dems get the Senate, we have a better chance of shoring up voting rights and making sure the Brian Kemps who get a hold of our election rules/rights/practices don't keep screwing us up. 

 Not all folks do or are better than this. But we most certainly deserve better than this.

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