Friday, September 4, 2020

He'll Swear Any Oath, Hump Any Flag

Before I get too far ahead of myself, a few little things about the 2020 presidential election that Trump has now for the second time suggested that his own followers should vote twice in: it's pretty goddamn interesting to me that Trump goes out of his way to undermine faith in the integrity of our elections when that is apparently the exact strategy of the Russian election interference project. 

Which is no less funny for being the exact kind of mimicking Russian talking points Trump basically always does (on the 2016 election, on Syria, on Ukraine, you name it.) Also, his DHS withheld info that Russia was pushing a line gleefully engaged in by some Trump supporters that there is anything wrong with former Vice President Joe Biden's brain, and now they aren't even briefing congressional committees on election interference in person. And his Attorney General (or should that be: Attorney Specific to Things Trump-related?) says he doesn't exactly know if voting twice is wrong, but he definitely will sign off on punishing traditionally Democrat-voting regions

So far, so questionable, yes? Before you make up the reasons why he's doing this, here's the latest:

He doesn't know why servicemembers bother to serve. What was in it for them? What is this thing about loving country more than life? He called WWI fallen "losers" the same way he considered Vietnam vets losers or POWs losers. He disrespected those physically maimed from being a part of his celebration of the military because "Who wants to see that?" 

Of course, he'll swear any oath that he said no such things. He swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and defend it from enemies foreign and domestic, and so far, I don't know--is that something he's even doing? He believes Article 2 gives him superpowers and used the military like a prop.

He didn't protect us from COVID-19, he treats foreign policy like his own influence campaign, and his economy is for his cronies and the very rich--it isn't for most of us. He can literally hump the flag:

But that does not make him patriotic. Trying to know anything at all about our history, instead of assuming things he thinks people like to hear, might be more effective. Appreciating that the words the Founders bothered to commit to paper, and the ideals that people have given their lives for, meant things, would go a long way to establishing some degree of fitness, but that isn't him. 

He performs a kind of patriotism I personally despise. He doesn't care what this country could be, how it treats its citizens or what our laws mean, what we should stand for ethically and morally--he cares that it's his. And he is the pitch that defiles. (Read your Ecclesiastes. Get on back to me.) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You speak the truth indeed.

Remarkable! Or, The Perpetual Trump Gluteal Osculation Machine

  Sean Duffy, a reality TV star, Fox News guy, former US Congressman, now Department of Transportation guy, said Trump's leadership has ...