Monday, September 14, 2020

Gaslighting by the RNC

I'm pretty sure Ronna (Romney omitted) McDaniel knows perfectly well that Donald Trump is the current president of the United States and has been during the entire time that COVID-19 has been here, probably since December, at which point Trump's Chinese transportation ban (which still let like 40,000 people or so through)  was fine (and no one really complained about it) but fell short of what was needed.

We needed a national testing strategy, and allocation of PPE to the regions that needed it most. Trump sent care packages to other countries, but when blue states needed federal assistance, he told them they were on their own. This year may have felt longer than most, but a lot of us can still remember things that only happened a few months ago.

Joe Biden was running a primary campaign at the beginning of this year, but identified the problems that needed to be taken care of and leveled with the American people that this was going to be hard, and we needed to be prepared. Donald Trump, unfortunately, was running a country, badly. He did not level with the American people, and pretending he was trying to avoid panic is laughable at best. From "American carnage" onward, spreading panic and dividing people have proven to be his favorite things.

And now, Trump is running his 2020 campaign (let's face it, since being sworn in, he never wasn't) and is holding an indoor rally in Henderson, NV with very little mask-usage among the folks. You know, the way the campaign did things in Tulsa, only, from all appearances, more well-attended.
Does it seem like at even this late date Trump is doing anything to mitigate the disaster? How in the world is someone who is not president supposed to be more responsible for current events than the person in the White House? How does Ronna McDaniel square the 195,000 deaths with "good performance" on Trump's part, and why the hell would she want that record to prevail?

I can't answer that. Maybe she could answer that. But she better also explain why she thinks it's ok to gaslight people who have already been lied to by a Republican president with disastrous consequences.

But here she was earlier today:

Testing isn't killing people. The coronavirus is. We are testing more because we have had more infections, and more people are dying.  She's repeated what Trump always says, but what Trump says makes no sense. She could do better, but doesn't dare. She's not stupid, she's just morally compromised and scared shitless of the party's mascot.  So she lies for him, even though people are dying. Even though it's Republicans at Trump rallies that could be dying.

Hey, I don't expect her to care if nasty old liberals like me bite it. But she, like Trump, doesn't care about anyone. At all. Over her current RNC chairpersonhood. That's some amazing privileged bullshit.

1 comment:

mcfrank said...

Thank Vixen!

I always appreciate your ability to succinctly summarize the issue with all the facts in hand.

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