Wednesday, February 26, 2020

There Was a Debate Last Night?

Or was it a free-for-all?  I don't know, but it was pretty much all the things I don't like about debates. Whatever skills make for good interviewers or news anchors don't seem to translate into good debate moderation, and I feel like this was a rehash of last week's debate in some ways. There just wasn't a good focus on issues.

Also our political media talking heads are mostly dumb and bad at it, even the smart ones.

Here's an example:

Elizabeth Warren would like a progressive to win the Democratic nomination more than she would like a Republican billionaire to buy it. What if it's about more than personalities, but ideas about the future of the country?

Just a thought.


Ten Bears said...

Isn't Carville the one married to that Republican woman who just bought a two point two million dollar house in DC?

Vixen Strangely said...

Yep, Mary Matalin. They say that at home they don't discuss politics, and from watching interviews with either of them, I believe they should extend this practice in general.

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  Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is facing calls to recuse himself from cases involving the 2020 presidential election after reports em...