Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Debates are Bad and I Hate Them

I didn't watch the debate so much as I watched Twitter watch the debate, and even through those protective lenses, I felt like the stage was crowded and the debate was too long. It's starting to really bother me that the pool of contenders hasn't appreciably shrunk, and that Dems are kind of sniping about why their own favored candidate is really the best and the other candidates can eat dirt. So how many more of these are there? Eleventeen?


That said, I feel like now would be a great time to start thinking about the total package--not what candidate is best on single issues, but who isn't just competent on domestic policy but foreign policy, because just taking a look at the world right now--oof! The next president will have quite a job of it.

In general, I think the field has people who would be great. But damn it, I don't think debates like this are a good way to judge.

(I already see a picture emerging. Not Gabbard. Not Yang. Sorry, not Steyer. And Mr. Bloomberg waiting in the wings because Warren spooks billionaires? Nobody is asking for you.)

1 comment:

BroD said...

I don't watch debates. It's pure torture.

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