Monday, August 19, 2019

Tweeted by a Madman

You know, the funny thing of it is, he won the election.

He won the electoral vote, you know, the one that counts.

He's actually been in office--the freakin' WHITE HOUSE--for two and a half years.

And the douchecanoe has been complaining all this time that, you know what, he should have won the popular vote too, except for all the voter fraud that apparently never happened.

Why? Because it isn't enough.

And now he's Tweeting about another conspiracy theory. Tagging in RW weirdos, Judicial Watch.

I guess there is a report (from who?) saying something (but what?) but who cares? This guy is the president, and he's Tweeting conspiracy theory stuff because he feels bad about the Mueller Report, the economy, the Fox News polls that show he could lose in 2020 and the SAD! Low Energy! Thursday rally crowd.

This is a deeply insecure little runty-souled man.

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