Thursday, October 2, 2014

Scott Brown Weighs in on the Issues

This ties in pretty smoothly with the previous blog-post, even if it's kind of a "hit'n'run":

Fox News host Gretchen Carlson asked Brown to address comments from his opponent, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), about his voting record.
"He doesn’t stand up for women’s reproductive rights and economic security," Carlson quoted Shaheen as saying. "He co-sponsored legislation to let employers deny women coverage for birth control or even mammograms. He had two opportunities to vote for equal pay laws and both times he voted no." 
"So Senator, how do you respond to her claims?" Carlson asked.

"Well unfortunately, I’m talking about issues that people care about," Brown fired back. 
He went on to say he supports contraception and equal pay and that "women's issues are very important," but that he is "focusing on the things that people care about," such as "border security, veterans issues, [and] where we stand when it comes to Obamacare."

Said out loud, where the people can hear, by Scott Brown (R.--wants to be back in the Senate, will travel). Contraception, one may recall, became a controversial debate regarding certain provisions of Obamacare. Economic security also matters to veterans, some of whom happen to be women. If there is a blindspot for the Republicans on why "women's issues" matter, I think Brown inadvertantly pointed to where it is. Women's priorities aren't viewed as being as important to them.  And yet, women still persist in having priorities. We are so weird that way.

(Also, too: here are some of the things people care about, like paid leave equal pay, affordable child care and suck it, Scott Brown.)

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