Saturday, August 6, 2011

Well, tomorrow is Rick Perry's "Response"--

Although TX Governor Rick Perry hasn't actually announced intent to run for president in 2012, yet, when I heard he was planning this prayer-a-pallooza with a whole lot of the religious right usual suspects in attendance, it seemed to me like a signal that he was in: after all, he's calling it "The Response".  That would be the answer to a "call", right? So the implication is, you know.  Somebody called him to do something.   Also, it seems like he's going to start building his base right in the heart of the evangelical/religious grassroots--which might make a lot of sense given the make-up of GOP primary voters.

I wonder what the response to the response will be like, though. Judging from the number of RSVP's, attendance at this to-do might be only lukewarm. (Does that mean potential voters will "spit him out"?  That's Bible humor!) Also, in past elections, candidates have had to distance themselves from what one might call "preacher problems" --GOP candidate John McCain had to reject the endorsement of Rev. Hagee after certain Nazi-related comments of the pastor came out, and Obama resigned membership from his church over several comments by his pastor, Rev. Wright.  Any one of several of the endorsers might be rather ten-foot pole worthy, and yet, Gov. Perry's plan is to gather them together in a big old sick-puppy pile and my guess is that he's looking not to so much announce as be announced.

That looks like a nice profile in theocracy, right there.  I'm sort of looking forward to seeing what happens.  Not because, "Yay, Rick Perry!" (egads!). More like, "Yay, blog-fodder!"

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