Wednesday, June 29, 2011

NOAA Climate Report Demonstrates Global Warming and Extreme Weather is a Product of it

Two stories caught my eye today regarding the evidence for global warming and some of the weather we're experiencing and will continue to experience as a result.

First up, NOAA released the "2010 State of the Climate" report, which uses the research of hundreds of scientists in 45 countries and just plain has busloads of evidence for warming trends.

Also, if anyone has been following the flooding this season and the weird weather we've been having the past several years, this piece from Scientific American shows that scientists are definitely finding links between global warming and climate disasters.

In other news, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, and other GOP presidential hopefuls are either pretending the science isn't good, is a hoax, or are browbeaten by denialists for acknowleging the apparent, inconvenient truth.

So, that's all kind of a bummer.

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