Monday, October 5, 2020

How Would We Know?

There isn't a lot to be said about President Trump's COVID-19 behavior that isn't already in part explained by whatever the hell he already has been doing. His "joyride" yesterday was just a continuation of his ordinary attention-seeking selfishness, and the above Twitter "episode" isn't much different from his non-COVID social media spin-outs.

And even if this Twitterscape isn't all Trump, we're primed to understand that WH staff sometimes do write his Tweets, and would see nothing wrong with morning messaging in just this way. But in any event, it's worrisome that Trump has been given a kind of "kitchen sink" course of treatment that includes a steriod, dexamethasone, that can cause mania and a feeling of invincibility.

As in, I would venture to say, he is "the same but more so."

UPDATE:  Sometimes toddlers and presidents alike need to be told "NO": it sounds like Trump's temporary break from the hospital was a trade for not releasing himself early. But then again, Trump is not good at accepting advice. 

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