Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What We Have To Lose


Disregarding, for a moment, the highly-staged antics of the little man on the big balcony, I'd like to visit the enormity of the SCOTUS nomination that said little man staged the super-spreader event for (now being called by some the "Rose Garden Massacre"), Amy Coney Barrett, who could very well be a vote in favor of overturning marriage equality, which very much still is a plank in the Republican platform.  

Justices Scalia and Thomas view the right to marriage equality as "novel". I would like to direct them to the Loving v. Virginia. I'm not saying I know the law better than them, but I will say that the "novel right" to marriage of persons of different races (in so much as race is a social construct having no value with regards to human relationships) as a throw-down against white supremacy, is matched by Obergefell in regards to the idea that gender is a social construct and Christian supremacy should not dictate to the business of whether grown people can enter into a marriage contract. 

Their view privileges people to get away with any discrimination so long as they add the magic words "because of my religion". In just this way, someone else might decide couples of different races are "unequally yoked" and refuse their marriage, because some, although by no means all, adherents of any particular religion might think so. 

We've already been sold a load of unchecked goods regarding whether Barrett is a likely vote to strike down Roe v. Wade, who has signed onto an extreme view of life "from fertilization to natural death" which would also render illegal such practices as IVF, and may even create the conditions where miscarriages or therapeutic abortions are viewed as suspect. 

There is no good reason to rush to approve such a backwards nomination. I would rather she withdraw herself, what with all that is happening at the fraught time so near an election, but if she hasn't such judgment, I put it to the entire Senate--is this extreme a position worth the future of your party? 

And since I know the answer of so many Republicans is "yes", this is why I feel every Republican must be removed from office. Also, they don't care about your right to vote, or your right to have your vote be counted. Your democracy counts on you to defend it. 

1 comment:

Richard said...

I'm going to comment about what we have to lose. I will introduce myself as my usual name. I just use it because it is not useful for them.
We have a whole fuck a lot to lose if we are going to allow these criminals to speak for us.
What have they done that is good? What?
They have closed our borders so we can't go. We are the sick Americans suffering. I sent my friend a letter. I can't send it to him in the normal ways because it has been shut down.
So i send my friend by traditional ways.
That means i will have to ask some poor random bird to deliver a message.
I forgot to tell you .

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