Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Rudy Giuliani Repeats Himself

There's something very familiar about what Rudy Giuliani is doing here regarding former Vice-President Biden's mental health--because he was doing the same exact thing four years ago regarding Hillary Clinton. It's just as specious now as it was then, it's just as weird regarding setting expectations for Trump's debate now as it was then. (And FWIW, Giuliani himself looks like a damn shipwreck.)

Is it wishful thinking? It seems to me that Giuliani liked lying about Clinton in part because of resentment re: her winning what he figured should be his senate seat. And of course, it was from the supposedly not-so-nimble mind of Joe Biden that the withering "A noun, a verb, 9/11" came from. I'm sure Giuliani haaaaaates that. Anyway, in short, screw Rudy Giuliani, he's a sad liar.

1 comment:

bt1138 said...

And it's so I'm rubber, you're glue.

People have been claiming Trump's on Adderall for years. So, of course, HE'S not on Adderall, YOU'RE the one on Adderall.

Trump Pardons Domestic Terrorists

  Trump and his confederates (word choice definitely intentional) like to play off what happened in 1/6 as, variously, a love-in, a prayer c...