Tuesday, October 8, 2019

TWGB: The Second Whistleblower

Just to keep on top of TrumpWorld matters as a housekeeping thing, there's a second whistleblower (and perhaps others) with firsthand knowledge of the particulars of the Ukraine call. FWIW, the call summary from the White House already matched the original whistleblower's report to a remarkable degree because there was considerable corroboration, which had been checked by the IC IG. President Trump, and his defenders, when they maintain these two documents don't match up, are simply lying.

That's it. They are not telling the truth. Both docs are short and easy to read. The interpretation regarding a "quid pro quo" isn't at all far-fetched in context. As the popular prom song went in ye olden times, whoomp, there it is. Whoompst among us would disagree, except a partisan hack?

And yet, the swamp is rife with them no? After all, how else would Trump and all have found a counternarrative to send Giuliani and Pompeo and Barr off into the wilderness to do, I dunno, a quest about? It's swamp gas.

But it's swamp gas that Peepaws that don't understand the internet and stuff seem to treat as real: thus, Rudolph Giuliani's really weird cable news behavior.

Like, super-weird:

So help me, the printout is from a site actually called "Hopelessly Partisan." This is obviously bad internetting, but shit, it's pretty bad television, too. In the meanwhile, whatever the snipehunters attached to the State Department, or DOJ, or wherever, might be finding (great shades of Obama's real birth certificate and the tale of the California vote fraud, yes?) there isn't any actionable stuff coming out of it. Yet. Although Trump has been screaming about the conspiracy against him ever since he....won the election. Well, before, actually. Well before.

Also, it is interesting that Trump has fingered Rick Perry as having coaxed him to make the call that is pretty damning regardless of who told him to make a call. But Perry was trying to make Naftogas more amenable to American interests, and apparently many Trump folk wanted a cut in any potential largesse. Wow. People wetting their beak on the taxpayer dime. You hate to see it.

Anyways, this is just a snapshot of where the impeachment thing is--Trump friends are in denial, and anti-Trumpers like myself are only seeing confirmation about what we've suspected from Trump's circle all along. They happily even screw with the United States' broader policy goals, to take and take and take. Like some international crime syndicate. Do Zelenskyy a favor (military aid) if he delivers on a favor (dirt on Biden or possible Ukrainian DNC hackers, which is crazy bullshit)? Please! Trump's foreign policy is about all kinds of favors. This is definitely but a sample. What I think is great is that the whaaargarble from RW hacks has become nonsensical enough that the mainstream media is incensed and proud enough to push back on it. (Way to go, Chuck Todd!) You all need to fix yourself for your Murrow-moments, okay? Your Cronkrite consciousness. Because the time is now.

We are all taking notes on history. Let's do this right.

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