Monday, May 7, 2018

Oliver North to Head NRA

So, you know how sometimes something is just too entirely on the nose? Well, this is like that. An actual illegal arms dealer leading the NRA.



mikey said...

So it sounds like you're saying it's a perfect hire.

And I'd agree. North is precisely the guy you'd want in that role.

Professional, polished, with all the far-right credibility and ideological alignment.

I mean, you didn't really expect them to go with Elizabeth Warren, did you?

I have no idea why this is even noteworthy. An industry advocacy group selected for it's next president a candidate that has a perfect resume for the job. It's not surprising, it's not shocking, it makes perfect sense from their standpoint. All it tells us is they're good at their job.

Which we already knew...

Anonymous said...

"Professional, polished, with all the far-right credibility and ideological alignment."

Traitor to the USA, and played by Iran.
He's perfect for the Russian-funded NRA.

Kristi Noem, Dog Assassin

  SD Gov. Kristi Noem is getting a roasting over her depiction of killing a backwards "untrainable" puppy as well as a smelly goat...