Sunday, January 17, 2016

Let's Check in with Marco Rubio

The last I checked in with Marco Rubio, I thought he seemed a little "checked out", so I thought I'd see where he is at the moment.

So, he bought a gun to protect his family. Okay. From ISIS. Hm. I feel like protecting his family was a really good point up to the "from ISIS" part.  Then, he kind of overshot. Just saying. Because if he envisions Daesh going on a door-to-door attack on the US, he might just be overestimating their capabilities a smidge.

Also, he thinks that the prisoner swap with Iran will just encourage them to take more prisoners. I think it's kind of a dumb argument because prisoner swaps aren't new and are often lop-sided. But mostly I just don't think there's any good reason to leave innocent Americans to rot in an Iranian prison.

He's a very near simulation of a presidential candidate though. You could be fooled.

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