Saturday, September 20, 2014

Russian Jets are Just all Over the Place

For some reason, there were Russian jets all over on Friday:

Six Russian fighter jets were intercepted by American and Canadian planes off the coast of Alaska on Wednesday, US defence officials have confirmed.

They entered what is known as the Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ), but did not enter US air space.

The planes, two of which were MiG 31 jets, left the area without incident.

Officials said this type of incident was not uncommon, and happens up to 10 times a year.
(OMG, Sarah Palin was right--Putin does rear his head in her airspace. All the apologies.)

Russian jets also turnt  up in Sweden a couple days ago. (Oh, and UK airspace.) I'm feeling like there's something uncommon about this synchronicity of events. Just saying, there's a guy running the show over there who is all about the gestures.

What did we do?

I dunno. If Putin wanted to send a message, he shouldn't have picked a Friday, is all I'm saying. No one pays attention to news on a Friday.


upyernoz said...

Also Finnish airspace

Vixen Strangely said...

This sort of thing doesn't happen accidentally all that often--so this looks "accidentally on purpose to me".

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