Friday, September 19, 2014

One Rather Expected More--Or Not

Josh Marshall says "You kind of have to see this video." And he's exactly right. James O'Keefe has, I am afraid to say, completely descended into farce. And there were such hopes for him, too, weren't there? But anyhow:

You know, when young James took it upon himself to manufacture an essentially fallacious narrative about ACORN that ultimately resulted in the disbanding of the group, I thought he'd got his foot in the door for star treatment on the wingnut welfare circuit but would need to up his game to remain viable for long. His output since has been hit or miss, mostly miss. Probably because he makes things up. And then there are the occasional civil prices paid. He's a damn liability to any credible journalism outfit, and even conservative media seems a little tired of him. That why I guess he's on this topical tip--one could hope for his sake he's trolling to fund some bigger project, but it looks mostly like performance art and bottom-feeding.

So what's a boy to do?

It would be neat if he applied himself to knowing the details that make foreign ISIL fighters crossing our borders nearly irrelevant, like the way that ISIL uses propaganda to recruit people right here in the west--even the US. O'Keefe must know how dangerous propaganda can be by now, certainly? He could even bother looking into how threats that ISIL makes regarding potential attacks here are aspirational and reflect the mixed messages ISIL keeps trying to make to project strength. Or even ask what kind of wall would have protected Australia (get a map, if you like, Jimmy) from terror plans. Porous border much?

He's a disappointment. One wants better targets of one's loathing, don't you think?

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

that ultimately resulted in the disbanding of the group

Standard Democratic response: Republicans yell "BOO!", "our" side runs away.

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