Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Of Course Alan Grayson Isn't On the Benghazi Committee

I'm sympathetic to the idea that Alan Grayson, as an experienced trial lawyer who is, shall we say, not at all shy about punching back in response to GOP claims, would have been a good pick for the Benghazi committee, but I understand why Pelosi appointed the folks that she did. It would be a boost to the Democratic base to see one of our own slugging back, but the Republican base already dislikes Grayson and see him as a bombastic boob. He could be completely brilliant, and it wouldn't matter. He would serve as a lightning rod for GOP anger--and keep attention focused on "Benghazi, Benghazi, BENGHAZI!"

How is that strategic? The way I see it, Benghazi has been kept at the forefront because it lights a fire under the GOP base. There were three ways Democrats could go with this committee: they could deny it oxygen by not participating at all, they could throw cold water on it by putting some sober-sided individuals on the committee to keep things balanced--which I endorsed, or they could throw kerosene on it by making it the Trey Gowdy/Alan Grayson Partisan Wish Fulfilment Dance Party. Call me cynical, but the potential for spectacle does far more for the Fox News fans than it does for us. Sure it might feel like this is another case of "Beltway Dems Give Up, Again", but no. The Dem House leadership is just looking at the big picture.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The Dem House leadership is just looking at the big picture.

That's not the cynical view. That's the fairy godmother will take care of us view.

Steny Hoyer was behind this, and he's a worthless, corrupt M.I.C. whore. The Dems are going to blow the 2014 elections, big-time. Then they will blame the smelly hippies for not clapping loudly enough, like usual.

THAT is the cynical view. Lettuce see what happens.

Vixen Strangely said...

The Dem leadership isn't a Fairy Godmother and Alan Grayson isn't necessarily a knight in shining armor. Steny Hoyer is only about as corrupt as half of them, and right now, the GOP is in the House majority, so, I don't see things actually getting worse as far as that goes. I think Dems can hold the Senate, but if the House Dems make a calculated decision not to rile the Tea Party crazies (who thrive on indignation and vote their hates) I'm going to see why they made that calculation.

Yastreblyansky said...

Elijah Cummings, who will be on the committee, is worth many Graysons in his mastery of subjects and procedures. Not that it necessarily helps, I was inclined to the boycott side myself, but just saying.

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